Well-Known Member
Its not crispy because its not enough pH down to get it crispy.Well I have been using RO Water with 1 Drop of PH Down and a couple drops of Super Thrive in a Half Gallon Container.. I honestly dont think its Burn, cause its not crispy. It really just looks like MOLD, but does not really act like mold. It takes a week or so before it dries up. It also does not seem to attack the Margins or Tips, just Across those LONG FINGER like Leaves at and about the Base. I Simply cant lock this one down and its very frustrating.. I took more clones a couple of days ago, and I can see this same thing happening to a couple of those. I am also going to try and pick up some seaweed extract today and see if I can get that to work for me.
... if you cut out the pH on a few clones, it won't cost you anything. Either way, Seaweed extract is always a good thing in the growers cabinet.