World Of Hempy

They dropped an annual inspection on my building!! Had to tear everything down (hence why I grow in a tent) and store it away. Pain in the ass but better than being evicted or worse. The kicker is they didn't even go into the room where the setup was!!! Plants had to take the cold temps outside (only place I could move them to) but they look like they took the 5 hours of cold temps. Will update Sunday to let everyone know if they can handle -6 temps for a short period of time. I had them all wrapped up so they only actually seen about ( 0 - -3 or so ) freezing temps for that time period. One leaf was all shriveled up and that could have been due to the move. None of them had wilted or drooped and all of the leaves bounced back up towards the light when I brought them back in. Hopefully they survive and I don't get any herms from the extreme stress!! Hope everyone is doing well. Peace!!
They dropped an annual inspection on my building!! Had to tear everything down (hence why I grow in a tent) and store it away. Pain in the ass but better than being evicted or worse. The kicker is they didn't even go into the room where the setup was!!! Plants had to take the cold temps outside (only place I could move them to) but they look like they took the 5 hours of cold temps. Will update Sunday to let everyone know if they can handle -6 temps for a short period of time. I had them all wrapped up so they only actually seen about ( 0 - -3 or so ) freezing temps for that time period. One leaf was all shriveled up and that could have been due to the move. None of them had wilted or drooped and all of the leaves bounced back up towards the light when I brought them back in. Hopefully they survive and I don't get any herms from the extreme stress!! Hope everyone is doing well. Peace!!

Ha Ha....just went through the same thing a week ago. Had no time to break things down and move plants. All I could do was turn the fan off so no noise and shut the door to the room. Gave the excuse that roommate works nights so had to keep noise level down so they wouldn't punch the button on smoke alarms.
Just had a brainstorm! The wife doesn't want me growing outside so I was trying to figure out a way to sneak a couple plants in. Picture a 5 gal camouflage bucket hanging up in a tree with the plant growing out the bottom. (Yes, I got the idea from a topsy turvy commercial). It would be growing in some kind of super soil. Rain would wated it for the most part. Does this sound feasible? For all I know its alreaey being done. I'd start the plqnt inside andtransplant when the weather is right. I've never grown outside so I'm not sure if this will even work.
Just had a brainstorm! The wife doesn't want me growing outside so I was trying to figure out a way to sneak a couple plants in. Picture a 5 gal camouflage bucket hanging up in a tree with the plant growing out the bottom. (Yes, I got the idea from a topsy turvy commercial). It would be growing in some kind of super soil. Rain would wated it for the most part. Does this sound feasible? For all I know its alreaey being done. I'd start the plqnt inside andtransplant when the weather is right. I've never grown outside so I'm not sure if this will even work.

In Michigan, that's semi-feasible depending on how close you are to one of the great lakes. This also hinges on our ability to get 3 inches of rain overnight, then no rain for 2 weeks straight.. so you may want to come up with an alternative method of watering should nature not take care of it. That said, you'd still be either lowering it, or climbing to inspect it for insect damage and other issues unless you are just going to wing it and hope it works out. If you're not in the thumb, you sit in a different zone than the thumb does.. (per most zone maps that are recent, anyway)
I know people that screw 5 gal buckets right to tree's up side right and grow normally. They do it because of people and animals getting a hold of their crop's though. The rain would still water it and it would drain freely as well and not leach all that onto the plant instead.
I'd def be checking and watering as needed. I'm in southeast mi. A little southwest of the thumb bottom I guess. A net could even be wrapped and hanging around the plant to protect against pests. Deer def wouldn't be a problem! Lol. Gonna smoke one when I get home from work and contemplate this more.
I'd def be checking and watering as needed. I'm in southeast mi. A little southwest of the thumb bottom I guess. A net could even be wrapped and hanging around the plant to protect against pests. Deer def wouldn't be a problem! Lol. Gonna smoke one when I get home from work and contemplate this more.

You do realize the plant will right itself and grow towards the sun, so depending on how far up you hang it to begin with, deer won't be a problem. On the other hand, depending on what type of tree you hang it in the leaf pattern and color may give it away to on lookers.
WOH convention? I must not be invited cause I don't see an invitation...LOL

Moe hope all goes ok...Bake some bread to pass the time, add a little garlic to the butter and rub it on the crust, You'll love it...

BYW Bad Ass grow room, I'm amazed with what u can do in a small space, gives me hope.
started six "early wonder skunk" auto-flowers in rock wool...I put a bit of soil near the stem just to fill in the large gap, but do plan on experimenting with the soil capping concept.

four in 2L pop bottles...... CFL's for the first while, then to the 600W HPS.

two in 11L buckets, which are for my 2013 indoor/sunshine grow in my living has a soil cap, the other not.

I still have those 3 dwarfed dirt dwellers that are just not performing well.



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WOH convention? I must not be invited cause I don't see an invitation...LOL

Moe hope all goes ok...Bake some bread to pass the time, add a little garlic to the butter and rub it on the crust, You'll love it...

BYW Bad Ass grow room, I'm amazed with what u can do in a small space, gives me hope.

haha .. So, I have 2 lappies. I lent one to my 'sort of' girlfriend for her psychology exams. The 'other' not working one has temporarily come to life. Voila.

Ive always wanted to visit Colorado. Ive only been to NYC/NJ. ... probably wrong but I imagine parts of it to look like the road-runner cartoons. BEEP BEEP. lol. ... Alas I'm chained to my garden so no traveling for me for a year or 2.

Thanks, for the compliment on the grow-room. .. It really took a bit of work getting it all to fit correctly. I needed to locate the joists in the ceiling and attach the hoods directly. Also running the ventilation has been pain in the posterior but sorted now.

On another note - I had 2 comments from neighbours about 'GANJA' this week. Both could smell it outside my home. .. I discounted it at first thinking it was just me smoking a joint but then, whilst watching TV, I had a brainwave. ... I got my from my sedentary position and went outside. The bloody street was reeking of Weed. ... What was happening was an external 'air brick' was carrying the 'Canna fumes' all the way to street-level, I immediately filled in the airbrick with silicone, JOB DONE. :-P

You do realize the plant will right itself and grow towards the sun, so depending on how far up you hang it to begin with, deer won't be a problem. On the other hand, depending on what type of tree you hang it in the leaf pattern and color may give it away to on lookers.

I do realize that, but I own 12acres and what neighbors I have are old and don't go outside much. The way my property is set up someone would have to walk through my yard to get to the woods. I'm not worried about it being seen by strangers. I admit my brainstorm was smoke and tequila induced. Lol. That's why I gotta think on it more.
haha .. So, I have 2 lappies. I lent one to my 'sort of' girlfriend for her psychology exams. The 'other' not working one has temporarily come to life. Voila.

Ive always wanted to visit Colorado. Ive only been to NYC/NJ. ... probably wrong but I imagine parts of it to look like the road-runner cartoons. BEEP BEEP. lol. ... Alas I'm chained to my garden so no traveling for me for a year or 2.

Thanks, for the compliment on the grow-room. .. It really took a bit of work getting it all to fit correctly. I needed to locate the joists in the ceiling and attach the hoods directly. Also running the ventilation has been pain in the posterior but sorted now.

On another note - I had 2 comments from neighbours about 'GANJA' this week. Both could smell it outside my home. .. I discounted it at first thinking it was just me smoking a joint but then, whilst watching TV, I had a brainwave. ... I got my from my sedentary position and went outside. The bloody street was reeking of Weed. ... What was happening was an external 'air brick' was carrying the 'Canna fumes' all the way to street-level, I immediately filled in the airbrick with silicone, JOB DONE. :-P

Well you must have some pretty cool neighbors or you managed to get the problem resolved before someone did some snooping and called the cops. Either way hope your fix works.
I cut my NL x BB down and trimed all day, I've got to go get sone Ona tomorrow as the smell is so strong. The Airwicks and Glade plug-ins can't handle the oder.

Well you must have some pretty cool neighbors or you managed to get the problem resolved before someone did some snooping and called the cops. Either way hope your fix works.

For the next few days I'm going to be watching at the window for the dawn raid. LOL (seriously).

Fingers crossed. The funny thing is that it clicked when I realized I had zero smell inside my home but the street smelt like a Rasta convention. The silicone has totally cured the problem though. :mrgreen:

Another funny thing. ... Since Im a grower and die-hard stoner, when I walk the streets of my city I often pick up a strong whiff of Ganja. .. I know the difference between 'burning herb' and 'growing herb' and this is definitely growing and budding herb that I smell. ... I do stop and sniff and its obvious that someone is growing . ........ I'm thinking a lot of people are missing the smells they are sending outside. :wall: I had been making that mistake too.
I cut my NL x BB down and trimed all day, I've got to go get sone Ona tomorrow as the smell is so strong. The Airwicks and Glade plug-ins can't handle the oder.

Go for the ona but I highly recommend essential oils ASWELL. ...

Firstly, I have the 10 small bottles stored in my bedroom. Every time I go into the room I'm hit with really lovely natural smells. This is with the bottles seals broken but with the tops left on.

also, I have one of those plug-in glade thingies. I'm waiting for it too run out to see if I can refill it with the essential oils mixed with a 'carrier oil'. .. It should work.

I also just sprinkle a couple of drops onto the communal carpet every few days and its definitely is something I'll keep doing.
Go for the ona but I highly recommend essential oils ASWELL. ...

Firstly, I have the 10 small bottles stored in my bedroom. Every time I go into the room I'm hit with really lovely natural smells. This is with the bottles seals broken but with the tops left on.

also, I have one of those plug-in glade thingies. I'm waiting for it too run out to see if I can refill it with the essential oils mixed with a 'carrier oil'. .. It should work.

I also just sprinkle a couple of drops onto the communal carpet every few days and its definitely is something I'll keep doing.

Hey Moe, didn't you mix something with the oil? I'm gonna give it a shot too. One thing I found that helps when unexpected company is coming is the powder you sprinkle on your carpet and vacuum up.