World Of Hempy

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
BTW ..

Last week I panicked because I let my grow deteriorate quite bad. I had fried many of the leaf on a couple of tubs and they were all looking droopy.

It turns out it's not as bad as I had feared. I only lost 4-5 hempys, another 10-20 needed moderate to severe defoliation, the rest are just fine and look really healthy now.

I have a killer Lemon trial, I think its the Lemonator but I lost the tag. Nice and short, NO branching or Long Fan Leaf at all. Bud sites from bottom to top. and STINKS of sweet lemon candy. Basically, it looks like it'll be just a single cola bud.

Pics/Full update @ light on. :peace:
Is the breeder for the lemonator by next generation?


Well-Known Member
Thats the same for me as well. One tablespoon of each per 2l I need to look into fattening up my buds. I like the growth and the girls stay pretty green. Sure do wish the weather here would take a turn for the better!:mad: Think I am going to try some one gallon pails for my next go round and veg for a bit. I'll post pics when up!
I tried 2L once with the same 2 tbsp/bottle, and none made it to the end without having to add more food. So just watch for any signs of lack of food during the last half of the flower.


Well-Known Member
Found one more pheno from my seed that i might want to reobtain. Smells very cheesy with a really fantastic buzz. Oh check out my crazy pineapple strain ;-) securedownload-616.jpgsecuredownload-448.jpg


Well-Known Member
Is the breeder for the lemonator by next generation?
Yep, thats the one. ... I think it may be a good'en.

I have my GDP lady locked down, I have no plans of EVER letting her genetics go but I need a good Lemon in my arsenal. I'm really excited about the Lemonator and the 'Female seeds -Lemon Kush'. What I'm after is the bud-formation of GDP with the taste of Lemon skunk. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Found one more pheno from my seed that i might want to reobtain. Smells very cheesy with a really fantastic buzz. Oh check out my crazy pineapple strain ;-)
Shiva, what size Grodan cubes are those (4"?). Does the bottom of the cube hover over the res or drop into it some. My wife grows pineapples as potted plants around the house. She knows how to propagate the green tops. Never seen one fruit yet but they are some vigorous "blades" to look at.


Well-Known Member
Today I noticed something I see every grow but don't think much about till now for some reason. I open the tent near "lights off" and inspect everything...and I'll notice a wet spot, the size of a fat raindrop on one of the upper leaves. After looking more, it's the only wet spot in the whole tent. Nothing dripped on it...I've checked myself for drool. Humidity is only 20%...just watered last night but I use watering rings which don't splash and this is ≈30" above the buckets and right under the light. Could it be where one leaf crosses another that water forms via some kind of transpiration between the two fronds? I kinda worry about bud-rot occurring if that much moisture can form at one spot.


Well-Known Member
Today I noticed something I see every grow but don't think much about till now for some reason. I open the tent near "lights off" and inspect everything...and I'll notice a wet spot, the size of a fat raindrop on one of the upper leaves. After looking more, it's the only wet spot in the whole tent. Nothing dripped on it...I've checked myself for drool. Humidity is only 20%...just watered last night but I use watering rings which don't splash and this is ≈30" above the buckets and right under the light. Could it be where one leaf crosses another that water forms via some kind of transpiration between the two fronds? I kinda worry about bud-rot occurring if that much moisture can form at one spot.
I have noticed this too but usually it's when the lights first come on for me. I think it is a combination of low dark time temps combined with the congested canopy of a scrog in my case. It is usually where one leaf is in contact with a leaf underneath it. I don't run my circulating fans when the lights are off due to my low (65F) dark time temps, and any condensation dissippates once the HPS comes on and the fan starts circulating.


Well-Known Member
Moe, this Blackjack I am growing from Nirvana is REALLY lemony. Tastes like lemon fuel and smells like a fresh cut lemon. She grows fat dense colas that have dark calyxes ranging from light purple to almost black. She is starting to fill out now and once she starts to swell and protrude calyxes I'll post some updated pics.


Well-Known Member
Moe, this Blackjack I am growing from Nirvana is REALLY lemony. Tastes like lemon fuel and smells like a fresh cut lemon. She grows fat dense colas that have dark calyxes ranging from light purple to almost black. She is starting to fill out now and once she starts to swell and protrude calyxes I'll post some updated pics.
Sounds Awesome. Ive not come across 'Black Jack'. Have smoked some 'Apple Jack' though. I'll have to look into her if mine aren't up to par.

What I'm now after are plants that produce well and have good stature, especially for 2L SOG. 'Hopefully' Ive found my Lemon. I couldnt find any threads on Lemonator anywhere online so if its good I will start a grow thread for her. In fact I should do one for GDP too. :peace:

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Today I noticed something I see every grow but don't think much about till now for some reason. I open the tent near "lights off" and inspect everything...and I'll notice a wet spot, the size of a fat raindrop on one of the upper leaves. After looking more, it's the only wet spot in the whole tent. Nothing dripped on it...I've checked myself for drool. Humidity is only 20%...just watered last night but I use watering rings which don't splash and this is ≈30" above the buckets and right under the light. Could it be where one leaf crosses another that water forms via some kind of transpiration between the two fronds? I kinda worry about bud-rot occurring if that much moisture can form at one spot.
I have this happen when one leaf is overlapping another leaf and it sweats on the lower leaf and leaves a puddle. I noticed it a couple years back when I started growing in Hydro and I could not for the life of me figure out where this water was coming from.. After a while I caught on and notice that the leaves were sweating on each other, so I made sure to increase the Fan Movement in that area in order to prevent any Mildew.


Active Member
Anyone ever try the BC God Bud? Working on my next order and it looks promising. Was gonna get some GDP but I don't wanna deal with regs atm. So far I have decided on Larry OG so far. Any info would be appreciated.


Active Member
I'm kinda bummed today, The plants are finally starting to be ready and he is not here...It smells upstairs bad right now, time to get some more Ona gel...I made it thru another day at work, but still not sleeping at night...I have about 60 plants blooming, some are farther along than others, I have not planted anything new in long time...not sure what I will do...I love growing, but I never smoked much till he got sick...I don't want to smoke alone :(


Active Member
Hey Who, still wishing the best for you. When I went through a tough time in my lofe and couldn't sleep I used Melatonin. Its all natural. As a matter of fact I still use it when I can't sleep. I take the 10 mg (I'm a big guy lol) and one of those and a good smoke I sleep like a baby. It doesn't make me groggy at all either. Good luck girly. Keep thinking positive thoughts! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Whocares. You might think about making a bunch of tincture if smoking isnt your thing. It would definitely help you sleep. If you dont want as much of the high feeling from it kief the material first. Im sorry for your loss. While i certainly dont presume to understand how you feel I can relate how ive felt. I have suffered a lot of loss in my life and i can tell you that while it will always ache it does get better. For instance when my father died I was 26 and it was a massive shock. I saw him laying there on the pavement...and i couldnt cope. So i shut it off. I left. I took about 12 painkiller pills and went to a concert that day. I drank until the entire World was a blur. I didnt cry though. I didnt react to my grief aside from getting thoroughly fucked up for months. I didnt talk about it. Shamefully I avoided my grandpa and uncle (only family left on dads side at the time) when they needed me the most. I just kind of ignored it. Then my grandpa went into an assisted care facility and i didnt go visit. My dad died august 11th grandpa died of a broken heart Christmas eve that same year. My grandpa the man who did everything he could for me my entire life the man who held us all together while my grandmother (his wife of 63 years) died slowly of cancer....died alone on Christmas eve....because I was too much of a coward to face my feelings. At that point i was taking pills every day and doing coke, booze, meth...whatever to keep me numb. Even through all of that haze the shame, regret, and sorrow broke through and i bawled like a child all Christmas day. I cried until my chest hurt and my throat was hoarse. It was exhausting it was embarassing it was cathartic! That next week I shut myself in didnt go to work didnt celebrate new years...I sat with myself and examined my mind. And i realized what a huge mistake not letting my sorrow run its course was...I abandoned my grandfather when he needed me the most because i wasnt willing to FEEL.

I dunno if it helps or matters to you but i guess my point is that i really hope that you let yourself feel. I hope that you dont shut other loved ones out of the grief. You are a nice lady and you deserve to be happy like everyone else


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda bummed today, The plants are finally starting to be ready and he is not here...It smells upstairs bad right now, time to get some more Ona gel...I made it thru another day at work, but still not sleeping at night...I have about 60 plants blooming, some are farther along than others, I have not planted anything new in long time...not sure what I will do...I love growing, but I never smoked much till he got sick...I don't want to smoke alone :(
Who-kie, it might just be time for some Amish bread making...good for the soul...If you aren't hungry for some give it to a neighbor. That feels good too.


Active Member
Thanks my friends, such honesty and reassurance here. I'm doing my best, but my best friend is gone...1/2 my heart and soul and it's so lonely and I'm scared. I have my kids and a lot of great memories, I'm just going day by day now. We were together for almost 28 years and Married for 27...He helped make me what I am now. I'm not ready to move on...Just still hanging on.


Well-Known Member
Hey who. I know it seems like all you can think about is the fact that he is gone now, but you can't let your memories of him get you down. My grandpa was my hero, when he died I was absolutely crushed. I was still in my early 20's, still very immature, and really didn't handle it well. I was the only one of 4 grandkids who shared my grandpa's passion for fishing and over the years we spent fishing together I really bonded with him and he became a best friend and not just my grandpa. When he died he left me his small fishingboat and I was so messed up at the time I could never bring myself to launch it. Well after a couple months I finally took that boat out and it was the most theraputic thing I have ever done. Motoring up the river to our favorite walleye hole was like a flashback into our past together and I swear I could hear him at the front of the boat telling me to watch out for tree stumps and what he would do to me if I ripped his motor off. Once I got to our fishing hole I no sooner dropped my jig to river bottom when I hooked a nice keeper walleye. Over the next few hours I proceeded to catch more walleye than I could count. I must have looked slightly insane to the other boats around me as tears were streaming down my face while I was laughing and had an ear to ear grin. Every year now I take the same fishing trip with my grandpa and while none have been as good fishing wise as that first trip, each trip is another day my grandpa and I have spent together doing what we loved. Enjoy the best memories you and your husband shared together, spending a day down memory lane doing something you two loved to do together can be a great form of therapy and helps to keep your loved one living on in your heart and memories. Just try and remember how your husband would want you to continue on and honor him accordingly. Peace who


Active Member
That brought tears to my eyes Stone. Its almost word for word the story of me and my grandpa. I still feel him with me when I'm on the water.