World Of Hempy

Love those sunflowers whocares! Fields of them awesome!

My little pallet salad garden is starting to take off. Cant wait nothing like fresh greens and veggies. Had to talk my woman out of some flower garden space for the corn and watermelons. Also have blueberry bushes, strawberries, and two huge raspberry bushes. Ill share a pic or two of the pretty area....oh and my artichoke plant has two babies on it this year yum! I need to trellis those beans like now lol...
pardon the quality of photos its zoom shots from my upstairs back porch.securedownload-18.jpgsecuredownload-13.jpg

My backyard is a fucking mess too...there is actually another cement patio under that 30 foot tall hedge and down below is a nice little area under two apple trees with a swing....when i keep it trimmed hah...

My attampt at scrog..they are just starting to poke above the trellissecuredownload-12.jpgsecuredownload-22.jpg
Wow harsh Moe.. was it the neighbor?

Time to move far away if you are to continue this craft. Very sorry to hear that man.
Wow harsh Moe.. was it the neighbor? Time to move far away if you are to continue this craft. Very sorry to hear that man.
Nope .... random passing copper smelt herb. .. the details are still a little fuzzy. I'm not sure if they have my laptop. .. I'm tempted to delete photobucket pics. I'm going home now. If they have the comp, i'll be deleting all my pics from this thread. cest la vie. No regrets. haha I was 2-3 weeks from moving away lol. ..... I'm NEVER going to stop what I do although now Im at square 1 ... again.
Nope .... random passing copper smelt herb. .. the details are still a little fuzzy. I'm not sure if they have my laptop. .. I'm tempted to delete photobucket pics. I'm going home now. If they have the comp, i'll be deleting all my pics from this thread. cest la vie. No regrets. haha I was 2-3 weeks from moving away lol. ..... I'm NEVER going to stop what I do although now Im at square 1 ... again.

Understandable. If its anything like US with seizure laws they will jave taken everything worth money...and your car if you cant prove clean money bought it. I hope youre somewhere a bit more fair on that end..and somewhere without prison sentences for cultivation.

I feel blessed that my state has now legalized...the fear of a door kick is much lessened nowdays.
Change your password'to login to this mention some stuff they could'use against you dude. Definitely delete all photos they can place as at that property.
Ive had fam and friends nabbed in the bad old days.. they will use mentions of cash pictures ect against you if they find it. With no evidence but your plants you were just growing to alleviate physical/mental pain...and you made extracts which is why you needed so much.
Ive had fam and friends nabbed in the bad old days.. they will use mentions of cash pictures ect against you if they find it. With no evidence but your plants you were just growing to alleviate physical/mental pain...and you made extracts which is why you needed so much.

I'm pretty screwed atm ... it can be expensive growing Canna and some people try to find ways of reducing expenses. hmmmmmmm. No need to elaborate but oh damn.

Anyways, I'm philosophical. Everything I have posted has been created using cutting edge computer graphics, animatronics and the use of highly realistic plastic plants. LOL

So, I've been given bail. I asked my Father to check out my apartment. He say's it looks OK from the outside but he can't get access. I'm at my girlfriend house now and still wearing Police issue clothing. I'll go home later today or tomorrow to see what shit hitting a fan looks like. If my laptops there, great. If its not, not great.

When arrested, the whole street were looking out of there windows or staring from the pavement, probably about 100 people :twisted: They kept asking if I was OK, as I was being lead away in cuffs ... so embarrassing Now the whole street knows my business. .. Probably the most exciting thing they've ever seen.

In a perverse way, Im Ok with that. .. What ever happens, happens, but at least now I don't need to hide like a mouse. Now the secret is out and the game is over there, I don't need to pretend to like people I can't stand.
So I am about to experiment making a hempy bucket with only househould items. I am going to make a 2ltr hempy with aqaurium gravel in the bottom and a gravel/ fiberglass insulation mix to fill the rest. Any thoughts on this? Both items are compley inert and will be sanatized. My thought was the gravel will provide plenty of drainage and airation while the fiberglass mixed in the upper portion will keep the higher roots from drying out to much. Also anyone have any ideas other houshold items I can experiment with? Just bored and want to experiment with a few different diy mediums ect. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. If enough people are interested in this I will make a thread/ journal to report he results. What does everyone think??
MAN! I hope the UK laws are not as f'ed up as the States. Just play their game Moe, act the good boy and do what you can to improve your situation. Wish there was common sense used when concerning canna, I mean it's a plant not some laboratory engineered death pill. I'll be pulling for you, ATB.

So I am about to experiment making a hempy bucket with only househould items. I am going to make a 2ltr hempy with aqaurium gravel in the bottom and a gravel/ fiberglass insulation mix to fill the rest. Any thoughts on this? Both items are compley inert and will be sanatized. My thought was the gravel will provide plenty of drainage and airation while the fiberglass mixed in the upper portion will keep the higher roots from drying out to much. Also anyone have any ideas other houshold items I can experiment with? Just bored and want to experiment with a few different diy mediums ect. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. If enough people are interested in this I will make a thread/ journal to report he results. What does everyone think??
Fiberglass is IMO far too abrasive for a growing medium. I could forsee some root issues. Instead I would look to using foam chunks and polyfill like what they stuff pillows with. A former poster to WoH used this medium with great results.
I understand what you mean about it be abrasive but do you really think it's gona affect roots that way? I was thinking about using it about 10:1(gravel:ins) just something to help hold a small amount of moisture.
Moe, I don't know what to say...I'm still in shock. I remember thinking the day the neighbor slammed doors and sprayed the hallway... that would have been the perfect time to start taking things down. I feel really bad for you, knowing your love for this hobby and the care/advice you gave WOH members. You are not a criminal. Best of luck to you hempy brother. My thoughts will be with you as you take your next steps in life.
I'm not sure about the UK, but in Canada the cop would have required a search warrant to enter the house, or else it would be thrown out of court as an illegal search and seizure.

Your best bet now is a good lawyer...good luck Moe, hope it works out okay
Here's my opinion, For some reason there have been time outs on this site, easy to track users when they can track by tapping into the signal...

I agree Moe Change your passwords if u can, from where ever u are.
Hey guys I posted this on my thread and thought it may help someone here out at sometime.

Thought I would throw together a little grow recap and illustrate a bit about my simple grow. Hempy is a really simple and effective system.

First take your container, your options are pretty unlimited on what kind of container to use. Just pick one that is appropriate to the size plant you plan to grow, mine are 1.32G/5L to give you an idea of how small your bucket could be. Larger buckets would be better, but don't go too large. You wan't to find a balance point between early veg and aggressive bloom water uptake. Shoot for about 4-6 days for complete dry out in early veg and 1-3 days in aggressive bloom. You can tell when you need to water by simply lifting the bucket and judging the weight, a dry bucket will feel very light compared to a freshly watered one.

Next pick your medium, I use perlite partly cuz it's cheap and easy,but the options are fairly unlimited. Just need a somewhat absorbent, stable material. I've seen a guy grow some really impressive plants in foam from old couch cushions, pretty cool. Once you have a bucket and medium, drill a small 1/2" to 7/16" hole in the side of the bucket, about 2" from the bottom. This hole is simply to create a water rez and for drainage so don't make it too big. These folger can hempys are going to hold some 12/12 from clones to fill space in my next grow. View attachment 2667099

I like to use a small square of vinyl screen to cover my hole before filling with prewashed perlite. I wash my perlite fairly well do remove dust. Then just plant your clone or seedling like you

would in dirt. View attachment 2667100 I usually give plain water for the first 5 days or so and I will tip my buckets sideways to drain as much water out of the rez as possible, leaving just the water absorbed into the perlite. This helps to prevent the newly transplanted roots from sitting in too much water and cause them to expand out quicker in search. You can also do this throughout the grow if one plant is not uptaking as much water as the others.

I ph to 5.8 almost all thru veg
. Of course monitor your girls and adjust accordingly. There is some debate on how often to water your hempy buckets. IMO let your buckets dry out almost completey Don't let them get to the point of wilting but make sure there is very little water weight in them. Pick your buckets up before and after watering and daily from there. Get an idea of how much water is still there by the weight of the bucket. After a few times you will have no problem judging when they have dried out nicely. I feel drying out is the best system as it helps to maintain high oxygen levels to the roots, stimulating the most growth.

After about 5-8 days your newly transplanted girls will have shot roots all the way to the rez. They should be taking water and you can start feeding. Being a passive hydro system, hempy IMO needs nutrients on every feeding if possible. Start your feedings our light say 1/4 to 1/2 str. I use the GH 3 part and usually start feedings at 1mL of each, supplemented with 5mL florablend and .5 to 1 mL cal/mag. After about 7-10 days you can top your girls and start training.

Topping for a scrog setup is almost a must. You need to stimulate as much branching as possible. After topping, once you have some decent branches, you can begin LST. I use nylon string and duct tape for training. Simply loop the string around a branch and pull down slightly, then duct tape the string to the bucket. View attachment 2667102 Start with the apex, or highest tip and pull down to even or slightly below canopy level. Then pull any branches that rise up to apex, back down to canopy level. The idea here is to force the plant to direct growth to other areas in order to achieve an apex. Once the branches are longer you can start to train the tips downward and train the middle sections of the branches upwards. This will cause the small growth tips to explode upwards, vertically off the horizontal branch. This is the same branch off my blue cheese taken three days apart. Notice the new growth tip start growing upward to become a future top.
View attachment 2667104SAM_0755.jpg

I feed very aggressively starting about day 12 of veg, bumping up to 5/mL grow, 5 micro and 2.5 bloom. I bump up the florablend to 10 mL, cal/mag to 2.5 and start adding floranectar at 2mL. I continue to feed at these levels till I notice aggressive growth. Then I bump up to 7.5/5/2.5, 10 Fb, 3.5c/mg and 2.5fn. This is a baseline and you should adjust according to your plants. I do feed very aggressively and try to push the threshold a bit, start your levels off a bit lower and increase a small bit at a time.

Continue training your branches horizontally and train your new middle growth to fill in empty areas of the screen. I like to have 4 nice main branches to train to each corner of my screen, and utilize all the small branching off these to fill the middle portion. If the middle starts to outpace the growth on your end branches, let the branches grow upwards a bit to slow the middle down some. Try to shoot for about 60-75% screen coverage before flipping. View attachment 2667107

About 2-4 days before flipping I like to flush with a clearex solution mixed at 7.5mL per gallon. I don't have a TDS pen but you could also use a low E/C solution to flush with. When I flip I shut the light down for approx. 36 hrs before changing photoperiod. If you flushed shortly before flipping, your buckets should be good and dry by now. I feed pretty aggressively here to accommodate the plants stretch needs. I feed along the lines of my aggressive growth at 7.5/5/3.5, and bump c/mg up to 5mL and florablend and floranectar to 7.5-10mL. I feed at these levels till about day 14, then I look to flush around day 18 or so. After flushing I let the plants dry out extremely well, a day more than I usually do, then I feed them an early bloom mix at 5/5/5 and sups the same. I bump my ph up to 6.0 at this time.

During this 21 day or so stretch period continue training branches to fill the screen. During the 1st week train branches back down under the screen and try to keep stretching above the screen to a minimum. After that let the stretch go above the screen, I like to shoot for 4-7 inches of stretch and they should fill in nicely. Day 12 blueberry, just about right.View attachment 2667108 Around day 14-21 start to trim the undergrowth out and remove any leecher branches that won't reach the canopy. Start with the lowest stuff 1st and move upwards the later you get into stretch. After day 21 or so remove anything that is not above the screen. I should have removed more above the screen, but at day 20 or so you should look like this. SAM_0855.jpg

Continue feeding until day 33 or so, reducing the amount of grow and increasing bloom slightly each time. I add liquid koolbloom at 1mL/gallon after my first flower flush, around day 20. Around day 33 flush again with 7.5mL clearex and let them dry out really good again, about 4-5 days with my buckets. Then feed an aggressive mix. My complete feeding schedule thru day 49 of flower is on pg. 29 post #284. I also bump my ph to 6.2 around this time until week 5.5 or so. I think the flushing and drying out really makes them blow up and gain some size. Blackjack day 20 & day 34.View attachment 2667112View attachment 2667113

After the stretch portion of flower, the rest of the grow is really low maintenance. Just trim any low nodes that may spring up and any leaves that are congesting things and blocking light. I cut leaves off right up till harvest, so don't be afraid to trim that stubborn leaf off if it's blocking light. Just continue to feed and flush every 14-21 days, and always let the buckets dry out good. Around week 6 I bump the ph up again to 6.4-6.5.

Hope this can help someone out at sometime, just adjust things according to your situation and enjoy.
I understand what you mean about it be abrasive but do you really think it's gona affect roots that way? I was thinking about using it about 10:1(gravel:ins) just something to help hold a small amount of moisture.
I don't know for sure how it would effect the plant blaze. But experimenting is half the fun if you go into it with no expectations. Try it out and see what happens ya. Keep us posted though!
Moe, I don't know what to say...I'm still in shock. I remember thinking the day the neighbor slammed doors and sprayed the hallway... that would have been the perfect time to start taking things down. I feel really bad for you, knowing your love for this hobby and the care/advice you gave WOH members. You are not a criminal. Best of luck to you hempy brother. My thoughts will be with you as you take your next steps in life.
True ... I had the same thought that day. I don't think it was her though ... Whilst in the police van I saw her arrive home, she said 'Dare, I ask whats happening?' to one policeman. I saw him pull her to one side and explain it to her. Then the van drove off, with me in it. LOL Thanks guys for all the support, past and present. What a fantastic crew we have here. I'll be back, bigger and better, with more fake plastic plants and computer graphics. In the meanwhile I will be following WOH and planning something new.
Sorry Guys Bad news. BEEN RAIDED .... ARRESTED etc. 2minutes after I posted last picture. Police have everything. Just been released, not gone home yet to see the mess. Let yall know whats happening when I find out.

Good luck man. I say lay low for a while while til you crank it back up and keep everything low key.