World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
May you find serenity and strength (and a couple of stashed nugs they missed) in the days ahead. We are vigilant in our prayers to you and yours.




Well-Known Member
Anyways ... I'm sorry but ive kinda messed our thread up by deleting my photobucket albums. It needed to be done :-(

It makes it look crappy for visitors. Especially the first few pages.

What do you all think ? Start a new WOH or Continue with this thread .... If you do start a new Community Hempy thread, it'll have to be started by one of you lot. Either way, I'll still be around in a 'weakened' form.


Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
That's a Damn shame Moeb, Certainly everyone here has your back! But on a brighter note, it seems other than the loss of power, they left you with plenty to continue a grow :)

Oh and it Might be time for a Fresh Thread anyway..


Well-Known Member
That's a Damn shame Moeb, Certainly everyone here has your back! But on a brighter note, it seems other than the loss of power, they left you with plenty to continue a grow :)

Oh and it Might be time for a Fresh Thread anyway..
The most important thing they can never take ... thats the knowledge to grow weed in a Hempy.

I'll be back, I love this hobby like hot food so have no intention of towing the line.

re: Fresh thread .... The first few pages need to be interesting, to get the crowds viewing, and if it's viewed as community as opposed to personal, alls the better. ... I'll see what you guys decide to do, if anything. either way its all good.

Will post a few pics of the destruction tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your situation Moe, I'll stick around right here with this thread. I hope things work out for you and keep intouch as often as you can. The Hempy Way!!


Well-Known Member
The most important thing they can never take ... thats the knowledge to grow weed in a Hempy.

I'll be back, I love this hobby like hot food so have no intention of towing the line.

re: Fresh thread .... The first few pages need to be interesting, to get the crowds viewing, and if it's viewed as community as opposed to personal, alls the better. ... I'll see what you guys decide to do, if anything. either way its all good.

Will post a few pics of the destruction tomorrow

We humbly await your return from this unplanned vacation. Pesky vermin those badge toters can be.

The streets shall flow with the blood of the nonbelievers............not really,.....ok, only if you want it to :twisted:




Well-Known Member
Wow Moebius, Thats a damn shame man. Damn pigs with nothing better to do the scumbags. Hope to see you come back soon...when its safe of course.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
The most important thing they can never take ... thats the knowledge to grow weed in a Hempy.

I'll be back, I love this hobby like hot food so have no intention of towing the line.
yup, that's the best way to deal with it....start up a new and improved grow as soon as you can :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your plight Moe. Even after all the odor sealing work you had done in the last month. This brings to light how important odor control is. I live where it's legal, but I also live in a subdivision, where it's much better if the neighbors don't know that I have a little garden.

I still wonder if the neighbor wasn't being informed of the situation, but being congratulated for doing her civic duty. All the best Moe.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your ordeal Moe. A word of advice!! Fight the charge, In my country that is illegal search and seizure. When I was a teenager, a friend and I were puffin and the cops kicked my door in and busted me for a bunch of marijuana related charges. Once in court the judge threw the charges out because the cops stated they decided to kick my door in because there was excessive amounts of marijuana smoke coming from a window. Long story short all my charges were dropped and I was released. The judge even apologized for the invasion of my privacy. Once you get this dealt with and safely think you can setup again, PM me and we can maybe arrange something to help ya out, kinda like a starter fund :) I don't have much but will help out if needed. Peace!!

I decided to add this here rather than my own thread. I have some nice crystal formation at day 25. Not sure if i've dialed it in a little better or if the nutrients are more balanced than the last go. To those that don't believe in defoliation, check my recent grow-log update out (4 days ago defoliated), Updated pic is the first in this set. Peace!!


So I sanatized the gravel then got occupied in something for a few hours and it was still wet so used only the gravel in this bucket and after only a few hours it looks better then befor. I'm going to do another with the fiberglass mixed in just to see what happens bit think aquarium gravel alone might work pretty good. I know I will have to feed daily but that is why I used 2
ltrs, by the time the upper gravel is dry the res should be used


Well-Known Member
This thread is perfect. No need for a new one. Your removal of pics was a great idea...i hope you edited instances where financial things may have been mentioned as well.

Im with Watt...smell even comes before no tell...i too live in a completely legal state for med and recreational...i still keep my smell masked. I vemt from my chimney in Summer and make damn sure my filter is up to par. I have about 10 less than im medically covered to grow, less than 2 lbs in the house...and never a transaction from home...oh...something i learned from being robbed of 50,000$ worth of herb but it applies to getting your door icked in too........

....BEFORE you start buying toys or whatever...bury enough money to afford a good lawyer and pay your bills for 3 months. Mine is at this time 234.6 ounces of silver actually a bit short of what i would need but silver has dropped almost ten bucks an ounce and i add to it often as possible. Silver is still less volatile than gold which is why i keep it. Its also one of those things that you can cash in large amounts of with much less scrutiny...many people inherit tons of old coins. You may get lucky with gold and make a huge profit but you may not and its way harder to exchange.

Its honestly the best advice i can give..nothing sucks like having 713 dollar a month car payments ect and all of a sudden having much less money than youre accustomed to(i also learned about saving money in general from that exp...i grew up poor and while i have a good job i blew through about 200k in two years time..clothes..women..gambling....and i think now "wow my house would be paid off")

Anyway at least in the US cops can and will take every single god damn thing you own that you cant prove and all of your cash even from your bank think ahead live within your means and save the cash from your first few crops...if you sell it.


Active Member
Anyone ever grow critical hog? Just wondering what kinda stretch to expect. Gonna flower my mother, she got kinda big on me. Lol


Active Member
Hey all, busy day again today. I did a little shopping and got a Nice Pear tree for 10.00, and another Plum tree to add to the Orchard, it's looking great. I've been keeping up with the watering and don't know if I'll have any fruit, But I can only hope. Most of the flowers were ruined by cold weather and snow :(

But I did find this beauty100_2441.jpg

OH YEAH I almost forgot, My Peach Tree has Peaches....about 100 tiny peaches, They are so fuzzy :)