World Of Hempy

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
we had a sunny weekend, the gals enjoyed it....yesterday morning the older one was tilting a little bit, but by end of day it was leaning way over......I'm going to make it straighten up today.

Also its lower leaves were drooping for the last 3 days, so I have not watered and it seems to be perking back up.....the top leaves are slightly yellow....not sure what's going on there.

the younger one seems to be doing quite's 19 days old....the other is 27 days


Active Member
oh Bilge fan is too noisy, it moves the air but it's noisy...I have to think on it a bid, maybe recycle it into something else....


Well-Known Member
What does everyone run ther flowee'room temps at? My room is running 84-85 at peak with all 1600 watts running but its so bright in there i think it wont be an issue.
Shiva, I wish I had your temps...I get up into the low 90's at canopy have it nice. As a matter of fact LED growers shoot for 85°.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rusty, I am seeing a problem with a few of them, so I think it's needed...
Is coco in your medium WC? If so it will definitely need amending every feeding. Simple and harmless...add it first to your water as it will buffer the solution by raising the pH first. Base nutes will drop it back down. Since my seedlings and clones start in coco, it's the only addition to my R/O water when young. Doesn't hurt them a bit a 5ml/g.


Active Member
Thanks Jela, I did add some to the plants I moved under the HPS, I added Kool bloom too...have not had any PH problems but yes 75% coco and perlite reserve...

I'm going to move everything I can to under the HPS for now, way too hot in the other spaces...I have so many in different stages of budding, I need to get everything evened out, that is alot of work...


Well-Known Member
What does everyone run ther flowee'room temps at? My room is running 84-85 at peak with all 1600 watts running but its so bright in there i think it wont be an issue.
I can usually keep mine around 78, with about a 3 degree sway on either side. No ac needed yet :)


Active Member
Shaggin that's what I'm aiming for too

Right now I have 23 plants under HPS, all seem so happy, they got Kool Bloom and some cal mag, and 300 of HPS, I will keep it there for ahile till they get acclimated and get some nutes in them, I'll turn it up to 400...and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
Yeah Jela ive been spoiled here..when i run just 1200 my temps stay around 78 but i think this nice bright new 400 mh bulb hanging vertical bare bulb dead center of my canopy will help more than the heat hurts. Plus i spent 60 bucks on a new capacitor for the ballast so might as well use it. The buds nearest it are the most pretty too...of course that could just be the pretty bright light it puts out. All 3 of my ballast are outside the tent but i might actually move them into the unused fireplace behind the sheetrock that im venting through..hell it might drop temps a degree!

My old house where i ran uber wattage i couldnt keep temps below about 93 during summer...of course i was still running unvented 1000s back then....oh to go back and run about 23 vented 600 watters....18 inches from the

You take really awesome pics shaggn. Great looking canopy too! Im a bit behind ya this time..mine wont be at 9 weeks till mid july...My Gods gifts are yellowing out already...they stretch A LOT so im guessing they want way more N than the rest. Dont think ill hit em with extra N now though as im 4 weeks in..other than that things are looking pretty decent. Closer up shot is the afghan blueberry....she is making rock fucking solid DELICIOUS smelling buds..and looks like a faster finisher..may do a whole room of her once i momma up a cut.



Well-Known Member
Well, thank you in turn for caring. LOL. Benthic, I am, and so I expect to
have to explain myself on occasion.

Have a great day!


sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Shiva I think me and you will harvest at the same time because mine won't be ready til mid July as well. Actually today is the start of week 5 for me. I'll put up some pics when the lights come on tonight. Also I'm going to make my round of 120 Pineapple Express cuttings this week to put in in the cloner for the next round.