I just want to tell you this is my first try at pollination. I had a real nice male Afghani, I moved it out to my kitchen and put under the stove hood light; 100 watt CFL was used to keep it maturing. To collect the pollen I used a piece of tin foil to collect greenish dust. Each day I would collect a little more as the flower clusters matured. I placed the foil under the clusters and give them a gentle tap. The pollen will fall straight down as long as there is no wind. I did use the hood fan, I was hoping it would stop rogue pollen problems in the future.im following ya, i am probably gonna get some afgani kush for my next grow and am interested in this pollination technique, so keep us posted
already been done, they call it AfPak...i like talibani though...Well I'm going to cross Afghani and Pakistani, and call it Talibani Weed.
Five years from now, I'll be the talk around the world, what a master breeder I am!, as I wake up from my dream...![]()
I have come up with a new name, tell me what you think, CaliTalibani weed?already been done, they call it AfPak...i like talibani though
im actually flippin the switch tonight on a 50 plant afpak SOG. this is my first time with this strain...clones were free from a buddy.
i havnt found hardly any info about it on the net, but its a best seller in the clubs here in humboldt.
hermis suck...but at least you have a bunch of femmed seeds now![]()
I can't answer the first question, the second question is easy, "YES!" Big difference now.Sub I have sampled the wild Thai from the area that WOS say their stock originates from, and it was some of, if not the clearest, most energetic, paranoid free sativa that I have had in my 42 years of growing and tasting the noble herb. I don't know when I will be able to run it living in a state that has draconian pot laws, being limited to my activity due to health and stealth, but wonder if anyone knows if it is indeed the real deal. Also, do you see much difference between the wos Afghanistan and Pakistani kush
Yep! That was the plan when I ordered seeds from overseas.right on sub, good name too, haha.
so thats your own afghani pakistani cross?
I looked at what the Attitude had to say about them...Well I don't know FWI, I have been reading some disparaging posts with regards to wos wild thai. Some said it is not thai at all. All I know is the beans are small and dark and look like other thai beans that I have had in the past. I am going to germ a couple just to see the seedling look. I have had both afghani and pakistani kush directly from their homelands way back and they were very simular, but just don't know about these wos.