World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
can u not for half hour shut off light n let natural light or bedroom light keep them in the cycle? mayb spray them let them dry half hour hour and then put under light again, will cool room n plants for abit


Well-Known Member
Was stickin a wee lamp in n turnin light of yesterday. With all fans still on was droppin to 27 n with light bk on straight up to 33-34 again :-(

Think will hve to swap rooms but again cant really afford to at the moment,so dunno for now. Up shit creek really unless weather changes

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
reckon b few months sun yet matey with odd few days shitty weather thrown in.
see i have this debate with all hps growers n most time they say they the hps dont get that hot in summer but i remember my 1st grow with only a 150 hps and that was dam hot all time in summer. was always battling heat.
led no probs at all n not got widiw open in the room grows in. no inlet fan just a 5 inch output fan n filter and tent door unzipped at bottom door
will go up n check heat in min but i bet it not at 25 yet normally hits that at 3 ish


Well-Known Member
Chopped n hung. No smoke so needs must. Quick dried a bit from bottom dy or 2 ago n was quirlte a heady stone. Not knock u on ur arse but a did dry un oven.,so a reckon with a proper dry it'l b spot on. Well it'l do us percy.

Purple wreck goin into flower today if a can sirt temps. Thinkin of crackin those pips the fairy brot last time hopefully the 2 will pop n al put 1 into ma spare airpot n the best into the aquafarm but will c

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u tried to clean output fan off all dust see if speeds up the rota blades.
and shorten the ducting abit to help the fan pull. more air out room/tent the cooler it b


Well-Known Member
Its jst the room its in m8 gets the sun from bout 12 onwards till it goes dwn. If a move to cooler room a think will b fine

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ration this bit matey see how long get it last ya.
wot u reckon u managed to pull off it matey?
may get bit this ripen nearer my chop time as led takes week or two longer in flower
was wrong my tent sat at 26 just now. led can grow well at higher temps also think 30 is the ideal temps but i keep mine between 24 - 28.
got switch at top light i can turn red and all ir /uv bulbs off and tent drops 4 degrees straight away


Well-Known Member
Goin to move all ma fans about jst now c if a can get the temp dwn to 30 if a can get to that al b happy. Its jst the psycho coupla wks in am worried about. The bsbs r still kinda veggin so they should b fine for a wk or 2 if temps a little high

A reckon theres 2-3. The mrs reckons 3-4 but am usually right lol


Well-Known Member
sell a bit of the psycho you just chopped and get an air cooler mate thier going for about £40 on ebay so you shouldnt have to sell much just 4gs

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not bad idea a mini air conditioner or something. they do the pollen catcherts/fans for sim price as mrt said and they r awesome. got one for my daughter wen she baby as we was stuck in a tiny 1 bed house middle summer got crazy hot. u can pop a frozen pack in them and water and they keep room very very cool indeedy
easy there mr t hows tricks?


Well-Known Member
not bad thanks mate. just waiting on going out for a meal. its my sisters 30th birthday so we're going for a chineese. how things with you mate? its a bit cooler today down here :-D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
good ta matey got daughter on her way round so should b a cool weekend.
mrs parents away so we will go there n see the horses and picnic tomorow.
hope weather stays nice also for it.
wot type meal u having? indian, italian, chinese, mexician? haha
think i get fresh tuna tonight yummy. gotta think about the waist line haha
oh and that bc defo a male so i put a big box on side, plant in that and put in garage, then taped cling film over front box to let in light but no bugs. hope it does ok just for weekend.


Well-Known Member
Evenin all, will catch up with posts in mornin. A bit rubbered at the moment.....

Sittin out back garden on couch smokin some damp psycho n knockin back the cheeky vimto's coutesy of the mrs nan, bless her cotton socks lol.....

26 degrees in ma garden according to the temp thingy in car so fuckin luuuuuuuuuuuvin it, as the scottish ronald mcdonald would say :-D


Well-Known Member
chinese mate its wasnt that nice. i got bad guts now lol

26 degrees sound good mate. not sure what it is here but its got a nice breeze :-D


Well-Known Member
Cheeky Vimto its Ruby Port n Blue WKD, tastes like vimto if you make it the right way.... Nice n refreshing on a roastin summers day lol.... Yeah was a nice breeze here but still roastin, you could only catch the breeze in ma garden if you stood up lol


Well-Known Member
i checked my temps and they where getting a bit high so i filled my air cooler up with water and the kids had knocked it over and cracked the fucking bottom! water every where lol.
ill see if i can patch it up with a bit silicone or super glue tomorrow

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha kids eh. into everything.
kid had a accident in her bed bless her. so change n toilet back to bed and now daddy having early morning reefer. birds r on form today singing. half tempted dust the crossbow off and do spot hunting hahahahahaha noisey wankers.
peeps across road frrom me r nuts. they let there prob 6 year old kids play in the road football? till ten at night? madness wont b long before some boyracer comes down road n hits one off them. some parents so fucking lazy i mean there a park 30 seconds up road n its massive.
vimto sounds alright to me. i love the pop fizzy version also haha