World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
nice mate. have you got the final weight on that plants you chopped the other week yet?
was that 12/12 from seed too?


Well-Known Member
Anaesthetics are great. I got an operation on my knee a couple of year back and it was basically an epidural(sp) I had. i.e a regional anaesthetic, big fuk off needle stuck in the base of my spine. So I was awake during the operation, watched the whole thing (although I had some pre-meds as well which made it all seem quite funny at the time.) I would recommend getting that done if going under completely freaks you out. Ask your doc about it.

Its the anaesthetic that scares me lads, the amount of marchin powder, ecstasy etc a took when a was younger puts me riiiight off lol


Well-Known Member
nice mate. have you got the final weight on that plants you chopped the other week yet?
was that 12/12 from seed too?
Think would hve been bout an oz m8 its all smoked now between me n the mrs lol.. They've all been 12/12 from seed m8 not doin amymore or a while though. Need to get a decent yield so plannon on veggin 2 psychos for a good while then 12/12 them a couple wks apart n take more clones ;-)


Well-Known Member
Anaesthetics are great. I got an operation on my knee a couple of year back and it was basically an epidural(sp) I had. i.e a regional anaesthetic, big fuk off needle stuck in the base of my spine. So I was awake during the operation, watched the whole thing (although I had some pre-meds as well which made it all seem quite funny at the time.) I would recommend getting that done if going under completely freaks you out. Ask your doc about it.
Fuck sake D a think that would freak me out more than goin under. Got the ultimate phobia of needles get most of ma dental treatment without anaesthetic lol


Well-Known Member
haha, you don't see the needle, it goes in your back!
Fuck sake D a think that would freak me out more than goin under. Got the ultimate phobia of needles get most of ma dental treatment without anaesthetic lol
edit: unless you ask:shock: and boy is it big looking, lol.......


Well-Known Member
im the same mate, i chop it down and its gone in a month lol.

fuck having dental work without a needle. i got use to haveing them when i had a blood clot on the lung. wvwey 2 weeks for 6 months i had to have blood taken and it was usually a trainy doing it. i had bruises covering half of my fore arm


Well-Known Member
Na defo wouldnt be lookin matey. No chamce in hell.

Think al jst need to bite the bullet n they can knock me the fuck out lol


Well-Known Member
Mornin matey. Aye cheers will probs still hve a while to wait for op but at least seein the right person now.

Everyone well ur end of the country??


Well-Known Member
Since when are scousers well? lmao

mornin lads, hope that op goes well scotty could you really be laid up for a year? thats propa wank mate id end up 20 stone lol


Well-Known Member
Was that just a straight rom mdb or was it ttts br x rom cross?..........................nowt worse then damp weed mate dont see it round here much peeps get laughed at lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
rom x br. ttts love child. was really easy to grow man, such a sexy lil plant, never had such a frosty plant before, wood even say the thc on it pissed over the exo x br one ,shocked me


Well-Known Member
Sorry lads had to nip out to ma mums lol...

Yeah m8 6 weeks non weight bearin cast,6 wks weight bearing tjen a year of physio :-(


Well-Known Member
You get dmp weed here all the time,a got a bit.of armageddon last last night was damp but very tasty. Waitin on ma bsb dryin,lookin like another coupla dys :-(


Well-Known Member
rom x br. ttts love child. was really easy to grow man, such a sexy lil plant, never had such a frosty plant before, wood even say the thc on it pissed over the exo x br one ,shocked me
Sounds good mate glad ive got some stashed away now, im same tho mate the G13 i grew was frostier then any blues, exo psycho ive had, the slh is a frosty bitch too.

Sorry lads had to nip out to ma mums lol...

Yeah m8 6 weeks non weight bearin cast,6 wks weight bearing tjen a year of physio :-(
No worries i said mate that is wank gutted for ya, had a pot on me leg before when i was a youth did my nut an was only for 6 week, so gunna be bad whats that physio then? you got learn to use it again mate? just hope you sound once it all heals mate be worth all the grief then.

You get dmp weed here all the time,a got a bit.of armageddon last last night was damp but very tasty. Waitin on ma bsb dryin,lookin like another coupla dys :-(
Theres that much nice dry gear around mate peeps turn it down damp or say bring it back in a day or 2 when dried propa, fuck wet weed the cheaky cunts ive bought it in my younger days an not dried it just smoked, remember gettin like 1 spliff outta a 10 cos it was wet as fook an dint burn right! lol


Well-Known Member
A had a bit a psycho so a left the armageddon till this mornin. Its proper strong!!

Yeah physio to learn to use it again,a could do wae fattenin up so not to bothered bout the sittin around lol.. Will defo need to get a tent theres no chamce the mrs will b able tae fuck about like this.

Supposed to be some las lemon n livers about today :-D


Well-Known Member
Big shout out to the Doc,fairy arrived this mornin from across the pond with a very pleasant surprise.

7x Hazeytrains
3x Purplewrecks
8x Snow Whites
2x Chronic