World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Cheers matey. Ma wee boy got taken into hospital wuth severe tonsilitis after beig misdiagnosed with am ear infection 4 dys previously. He on the mend now had a little reaction to the pennicillin but he ok.Aye av dne the trainwreck before nearly 2 yrs ago,grew a 16oz xmas tree in ma aquafarm. Its one of ma favs nice stinky dank tastin/smellin gear lol
I hope you little ones better now mate. Ive had to keep my browser on the uk thread to keep my page cos im on my phone, ive figured out how to do 2 pages on here now lol


Well-Known Member
A few pics of whats goin on.... Not been on in a while hope alls well with everyone
will someone explain to me why hids do this to our pics? I am perplexed. These ladies are not only gorgeous they have what all ladies need....................loving caring nurturing parents!


Well-Known Member
It's only when you take pictures with mobile phones. Most HID's run I think at 50MHZ and that frequency affects your phone. Hence the lines. Take a pic with a normal camera and you will not have these problems.


Well-Known Member
Arrrrrggh zip burst on tent last nite,think u jinxed it MrT lol
oh gutting mate. mine is on its way out again :-( ive had to put a blanket over the front to stop the light getting in. its probably the fan, i got 4 inlet pipes now and its still sucking the tent like fuck. i might down size my fan to a 6" and run air cooled reflectors instead


Active Member
hey scotty! great to see you, i missed you and was wondering what the fuc was up mate! lovely little scroggy you got going on. along with a tent full of beauts!!!
i got fuckin banned from booblessponics a couple weeks ago for a simpley insulting someone that fuckin insulted ME!!
they watch me like a little fuckin bitch those fuckerz.goodie 2 shoe hoes and dirtbags. so i got me a new handle and im goin fuckin rock it here now mate for a bit.hope your well and family is feeling better these dayz. keep in touch. love ya! i got a litltle phsyco up my


Well-Known Member
heres a few pics of my white russian
look at my nicotine finger lol
this one wqas taken a week before the top ones
and this is one of the spring tails i got under my pocket microscope. im not taking the plants out od the tent now after finding these


Well-Known Member
They're lookin sweet m8 starting to fill up nicely compared to ur earlier pic.

Never seen 1 of those bugs before,do u no where they came from


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. ive been reading up on them and some say its from over wateri9ng coco. and a few says they get it in coco all the time no matter now often they water. most of them live on dead rotting matter and a lot of people say they are a good thing because they prevent mould and damping off. but i dont like the kreepy little fickers lol. its hard to take in how small they are that red thing is a cookie wrapper like the seals on crisp packets


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. ive been reading up on them and some say its from over wateri9ng coco. and a few says they get it in coco all the time no matter now often they water. most of them live on dead rotting matter and a lot of people say they are a good thing because they prevent mould and damping off. but i dont like the kreepy little fickers lol. its hard to take in how small they are that red thing is a cookie wrapper like the seals on crisp packets
Av re-used ma coco a few times roots n all. As far as a know av them havent really looked closely lol.

Think i'm gettin some new coco and pebbles bring the farm bk into action once the scrogs dne


Well-Known Member
ive only run coco twice now and used new every time. ive had pest both of the times too. i always fuck up and use soil in there the same time tho


Well-Known Member
That could hve somethin to do with it. Am goin to order some new coco beginning off wk.

My first auto sprouted today. Sugar Mango Ryder from WoS hopefully it a good un says its 56-63 days so hopefully b dne for new yr