World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
here he is haha.
cool u overflowing with weed n plants at min? u getting them round yours wen u clear some space?
slow on the slh u say?> thought that plant grew rapid like?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
and wots all this busting things here sambo? he a yank yeah?
surely ukers b ok as all weed is illegal here not as many grey areas as the yanks

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
usa gov monitors everything mate. bank spending details the lot. they buy old shop sales n reciepts and buy cuctomer details. usa gov r always trying find out wot there peeps r up to and doing.
we ent far from it but i do think as we r growers off illegal products that we will b fine as ent illegal talk bout weed and i ent sort to send things peeps am way to paranoid.
hows u anyways sambo? did i see some1 with a simular username other week. thing was notnewuserlol instead your new user lol? it the mrs keeping u in check?? haha


Well-Known Member
i origanally posted it in the uk thread also saying makes ya think bout all this blantant talk of sending and receiving stuff and also new people just coming in straight begging for clones.

im all good m8, plants are coming along nicely now aint been up to fuck all recently just the same old shit drinking too much, eating too much lol etc

yeah that wasnt me m8 that notnewuserlol.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
confused me. but i guess u started off a trend. everybody wants b like sambo haha.
all good this end bc near done, i am getingt healthier n eating like a starved man. packing weight back on.
so ya plants loving the coco? did u get the full range nutes for coco? or u buying as u go? n got esentials for now? u been on ya ph?? testing it n feeds?


Well-Known Member
here he is haha.
cool u overflowing with weed n plants at min? u getting them round yours wen u clear some space?
slow on the slh u say?> thought that plant grew rapid like?
Think it'l be stayin at ma m8's until further notice, moving everythin there in nxt dy or 2... There's a good improvement in the root, goin to increase the nutes once she's been moved from mine... She'l come on jst takin her time to settle in... How's things with you Mr Dog???

sorry bout hijacking the thread wit that random post earlier m8, it kept getting deleted by the mod in the uk thread.

i agree with what some1 posted in the uk thread that police in the uk dont have the manpower to be monitoring weed sites, but obviously the yanks do.

aparently the reason for deleting was that it aint helpful to roll it up lol more like not helpfull to mr roll it up and the advertising revenues with people not using the site due to the fact that police well american police obviously do monitor the site.
Dont worry bout it mate, was wondering why it was there lol... I'm thinkin the same thing fairy wise, stuff like that should be kept personal emails etc, its getting a bit complacent broadcasting in threads.... You on the voddy again last nite Sambo?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u sound like u got the blues fruit? u out percy smoke? everything seems bad wen u out smokables.
u been on the drinking n trolling? u been upsetting folk? see wot i miss on my morale stands against bull in the uk thread.
wot this scotia? packing up for bit? getting ready for glacing man?
ya mate trustworthy? u splitting with him?
mr dog is good matey just counting down the calander till mr dog gets smoke some dog in the dam haha.
got some white rush on way now. ment b nice anybody here tried it before?
other week wen i was rough i was up one morning n they was doing thing bout trolling on internet. was shocking the lengths peeps go to bully kids. made me anger up pretty quick on the suicides it caused and the after math insults aimed at family members on site dedicated to memorys off the kid. and the racism is shocking too, seems laws need b changed on internet and no kid should b aloud on social sites till least 16 just to protect the more inocent n softer kids


Well-Known Member
u sound like u got the blues fruit? u out percy smoke? everything seems bad wen u out smokables.
u been on the drinking n trolling? u been upsetting folk? see wot i miss on my morale stands against bull in the uk thread.
wot this scotia? packing up for bit? getting ready for glacing man?
ya mate trustworthy? u splitting with him?
mr dog is good matey just counting down the calander till mr dog gets smoke some dog in the dam haha.
got some white rush on way now. ment b nice anybody here tried it before?
i aint got the blues m8 i really am a fat alcoholic with a drug problem lol

i drink most nights and troll most night too also leads to upsetting people most nights lol im alright tho geezer aint got no smoke but only cause i dont wana pay for it fuck paying crazy prices for shit at least i charge crazy prices for good shit lolol


Well-Known Member
Aye ready for the glazing, not got a fixed date so better be prepared & yes very trustworthy been pals since 1994. He'll take over the upkeep etc n we'll go halvers, goin to finish the livers off in here then that it'l be it, moving in with ma m8 lol.....

Where is it your blue cheese if from m8?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
white rush ment b smoke mate n nice too?
i gave up sniff wen my mate had heart attack thing on it bout 3 year ago i think.
good ya mans trustworthy scotia. haha u r gunna struggle without ya plants near by tho. haha always on the phone to them hahaha


Well-Known Member
white rush ment b smoke mate n nice too?
i gave up sniff wen my mate had heart attack thing on it bout 3 year ago i think.
good ya mans trustworthy scotia. haha u r gunna struggle without ya plants near by tho. haha always on the phone to them hahaha
i no u ment smoke ya nutter but was a easy joke with a name like white rush, never heard of it mdb but theres some many weeds out there and so many names that people have just invented for there weed.


Well-Known Member
hows that bc drying scot, u gave in to temptation and flash dried any yet?
The popcorns more or less dry mate, jst the denser nuggs will probs be tomorrow night... Just had a doob n its 2 thumbs up, all hail GHE RIPEN the taste is unbelievable, good heavy stone but not too heavy like if it had been left another week, ma scales are knacked but am guessin bout 40-50g, not bad off a 12 inch plant that had been raped for clones would probs have had at least double if they hadnt been taste. Maybe its stronger than a thot, jst been starin at the screen blankly for a coupla mins readin back ad put words that make no sense in the sentence lmao :bigjoint:

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
works well. in n out. u do at 180 mark plus?
scotia u a fan of the bc then? good for the foot pain?
was only asking mr sambo as seems bc or cheeses is no less then 2ton an o at min. n my town near yours
prices getting silly n if u got livers n exo or phyocis then u can sell at any price n it will go quick. sellers market for sure


Well-Known Member
works well. in n out. u do at 180 mark plus?
scotia u a fan of the bc then? good for the foot pain?
Definately a fan mate always have been, jst tastes so much better when you've grown it yourself, no chemical taste just blue cheese lol. Its a winner for pain relief as well, definately a strong one for 8 weeks, 9-10 weeks n its a bedtime doob lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u remeber the price u paid on it geeza n it was crap u said? so dont get rid that at mates rates u will doing self out. 2oo a ton min i wood do mayb 230 just cos u can


Well-Known Member
Ma blue cheese n livers are gettin kept for all me n the mrs, will gve her gran a taste of both n a coupla pals but thats it!!! Lookin after no1+1 off these to plants, should do ok of the exo/br bsb/br's as well they're bout 10dys 12/12 from seed so should be showin sex in the 7-10 dys hopefully...

When you pullin your cheese MDB?