World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Some pics from this morning.....

Black Rose x Exo
2012-04-22 10.22.14.jpg2012-04-22 10.22.56.jpg2012-04-22 10.23.49.jpg

Super Lemon Haze (Las Pheno)
2012-04-22 10.24.53.jpg2012-04-22 10.25.04.jpg2012-04-22 10.25.19.jpg

Exodus Cheese (UK Clone Only)
2012-04-22 10.46.22.jpg2012-04-22 10.46.53.jpg2012-04-22 10.47.00.jpg

Psychosis (UK Clone Only) 7 days 12/12
2012-04-22 11.53.44.jpg2012-04-22 11.53.55.jpg

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha how many u kill off? all good tho u the man with the seed collection haha
oh and them pics. looking good. they have swelled well, bet u counting down the days haha


Well-Known Member
Started with 5, 2 didnt pop n 2 a gve the wrong bottle of feed ooops lol...

Will c wot sex it is first and c wots happenin with ma clones before a pop anymore... Defo countin the dys dwn now,hopefully the ripen'l speed thongs along ;-) farms startin 2 proper stink carb not even handling 1 so goin to h e to invest in a bigger exhaust fan :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha costs costs costs eh? always something to add to the grow its never ending haha but so worth the effort.
kid just gone home so joint to roll haha.
watched hat inception other day was a good film. had get it twice as 1st copy froze half way through film. was upsettin havin wait 24 hour to get another copy


Well-Known Member
Aye a enjoyed it matey it gets ur wee mind workin lol... The Adjustment Bureau's quite good tae if uv no seen it.

Watchin UFC jst now been some quite good KO's so far ;-)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
dos sntos and mir yeah and all cards that night r the top heavy weights in ufc. overeem tested positive for some drug so mir took his place which made them have shuffle cards abit but still looking good event and bet alot knock outs


Well-Known Member
Hope so matey thts the only reason a watch it lol. There's was a good couple this mornin though cant remember there names lol


Well-Known Member
Haha think u r mate dnt remmber any mcdonalds lol... A cant b fucked doin anythin 2dy cant even bring maself to get out of bed :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
thought u going docs matey??
u sound on a downer matey.
i cant get motivated today. defo wont b training today at all hahahahahaahahahaahahaha ent done any in weeks now.
tomorrow tho hahahahahahahah


Well-Known Member
Seems to have died down no pain at all this morning, so dunno must have fought it off without antibiotics. Crazy man was wishin for a bullet to put me out ma misery on Saturday night, fuckin agony :-( Na not in a downer matey jst cant b fucked, one of those days. Guys comin at 1pm to fix oven so will be able to have a decent dinner tonight hopefully..... The wee man watchin Mickey Mouse Clubhouse by fuck does it do your nut in lol.... Haha always tomorrow, think al do the housework tomorrow and the rest of the garden. Suns out here so really should finish the last wee bit lol.... The weather picked up dwn ur end?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
was better yest sunny as hell, but late afternoon pised it down and haled. my ex whos my kis mum lives 12 mile away and she had thunder and all the works.
yeah i can handle all kids shows but dora the explorer. she repeats self all time and it drives me mad. i refuse watch it now and sent my kids dvds i brought her off dora to her mums haha saves me watching it,


Well-Known Member
Haha quite right mate, dnt even no why its still on he's in the other room lol.... You were askin about the the new chronic strains on Uk'r matey, av dne the fruity chronic juice doesnt have a patch on original chronic....

Waitin on the postman then off along to ma mums give her a hand with a coupla things... Will catch u laterz matey....

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
aww cool. i will miss out on the fruity juice then. original it looks like tho am lil tempted do lil more research on the supanova ones.


Well-Known Member
I have some chronic x's that the Fairy sent me. I am sure fairies can send them back over the channel again if yer interested....