World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Aye mate got me puttin the stand for crib up tonight an some other bollox ill be glad when its all done out of the way lol glad you've joined anyway mate welcome lol dont let no jumped up prick stop you comin on its aye riu fuck um!!
a no m8 its like a second job havin a baby lol... Jst wait till he's here m8 n the lack of sleep takes its toll.... Lol only kiddin mate its worth every minute ;-)

Well am away tae get a nee shirt for funeral 2moz,catch ye laters


Well-Known Member
hows everyone? i think i got another 2 females :-D i had to trow 1 away cos it was getting clusters of little balls where the calyx are
Cheers m8. Aye thats ma babies exactly 1 wk 12/12 today the bsb looks like jst gonnae turn into 1 big bud but lol but early dys

how wiz the dam?????

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
amazing. wanna go back asap. just so different in small ways other then the obvious ones. i love the city its gorgeous n has a nice feel to it. peeps there seemed so friendly to. oh n u dont see many fat dutch women. i cant remember seeing one in 3 days. cos they all on bikes allday working out as they travel


Well-Known Member
whey up. plants in veg r stinking now. think time to switch on filter haha.
just looking see how u throw up pics now.
what are you growing? my bubblegum are staring to smell a bit now :-D even outside the tent. how long do carbon filters last? its only my second grow so it should have a while left yet
Evening Lads how's tricks???? Mad dog, at the top of the box your writing in there's little icons... Hover your mouse pointer over them till it says upload image, then follow the instructions lol... Thought you were goin to get the Mrs to do it??? lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah i will i cant b arsed now had a look n j n j won haha. got pics on camera will download tomorrow. mrs will do it right i wood prob end up putting holiday snaps up by mistake hahah.
its my blue cheese and exo cheese x black rose.
got a gorgoeus bc n exo. hoping they end up my breeding pair as they look stunning. exo lil stretched compares to bc but they r f1s
think its the 5 bc that stinking to b honest its same smell as wen they flower just stronger in flower. nuts as only few weeks old.
carb filters ment last 6 months or 2 3 grows. mine lasting over a year so far
Think u need a new carb m8 lol.... Ma SLH n Exo r stinky, the SLH nearly 2 weeks 12/12 n the exo only since Mon/Tues cant remember. Will get scotia to upload some pics when he back on Sunday lol... You upto much this wknd??

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not got carb filter on yet letting her have a break n let the plug ins do over vegging times.
na my filter got another grow or two in her haha i may swap carb over as it held together with rivets n easy to refill carb n rivet back up shut.
defo hope i got a keeper on the exo and on the bc. one off each looks great. b good if one male n one female job done haha