World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
special delivery ? ent that post man pat who does that? if so u wanna ring him as hes nippy in a chopper me kids tell me haha.
how do sambo lad? enjoying the sun r we? u see me post other day bout the asian gang who tried robb me mates grow? they threatened his kids the lot?!
whey up pukka. sun is cracking today, prob best if u lazing in it like me rather then grafting haha. still tho lazing in sun dont pay th bills


Well-Known Member
How do lads? sweatin me bollox off we this graft today cant wait to fuck off!
alright m8, working hard hay. im monging hard lol feel stoned, av been smoking heavy the last few days thought i better get it in seeing as the baby is due next wk and wont have much time then lol

special delivery ? ent that post man pat who does that? if so u wanna ring him as hes nippy in a chopper me kids tell me haha.
how do sambo lad? enjoying the sun r we? u see me post other day bout the asian gang who tried robb me mates grow? they threatened his kids the lot?!
whey up pukka. sun is cracking today, prob best if u lazing in it like me rather then grafting haha. still tho lazing in sun dont pay th bills
howdy mdb, yeah special del very strange it aint been delivered yet either? 2 others got there on time before 1pm.

im all good tho just abit stoned lol am waiting for a m8 to pop round the lucky fucker has just got back from the dam 2day, dont think he brought anything back tho.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
mate it was so slack the secrutity on way back from dam. i wish i did bring some back like i did before but was on a promise to mrs.
on way dam from uk i had remove shoes jewery the lot n had bag searched? mayb i look lil dodgy as mrs didnt have do any that n we was traveling together.
on way back nearlyended in a punch up with some foriegn que jumper. i dont like queing as is n get so angry wen some1jumps the line cos they couldnt b bothered get there early enough. had lil word n mrs asked me forget it n not let it ruin hols. i was so close grabbing his suit case n throwing off the boarding steps but mrs said i wouldnt b allowed on plane if i did.
visit before to dam i must brought an oz plus back. taped in black insulation tap n sprayed each layer tape with aftershave n taped it to me boxers n crouch area. came through no probs but since 911 its alot harder in uk

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i cant believe i was ever even thinking of doing a waterfarm rose scrog. what was i HIgh? lmao
its war now. My apartment is falling apart and no one is fixing anything. The neighbor below me is an insane luniatic... up all night blasting the tv. I need to grow as much as possible and stink out the place so they terminate me lease.lmao.


Well-Known Member
Dunno what it is but be careful just now with the special delivery. Ive lost 2 parcels now, both say they are waiting to be picked up at the local depot but they never went to the addresses. FUCK THAT. lol


Well-Known Member
special delivery ? ent that post man pat who does that? if so u wanna ring him as hes nippy in a chopper me kids tell me haha.
how do sambo lad? enjoying the sun r we? u see me post other day bout the asian gang who tried robb me mates grow? they threatened his kids the lot?!
whey up pukka. sun is cracking today, prob best if u lazing in it like me rather then grafting haha. still tho lazing in sun dont pay th bills
Eyup mate, fuckin hate the graft come summer just wanna get bladded lol im couped up in doors sweatin like a cunt, im home for 4ish tho so not to bad ive just been out on the back for a blues j an cold export! suns done 1 now tho so back in lol............been bread in me to graft mate, aye old man always on at me, stills comes down moanin now when im out a work for a week or 2 lmao

alright m8, working hard hay. im monging hard lol feel stoned, av been smoking heavy the last few days thought i better get it in seeing as the baby is due next wk and wont have much time then lol

howdy mdb, yeah special del very strange it aint been delivered yet either? 2 others got there on time before 1pm.

im all good tho just abit stoned lol am waiting for a m8 to pop round the lucky fucker has just got back from the dam 2day, dont think he brought anything back tho.
Haha you rubbin it in anall mate! im just hopin its nice for me 2 week of once the youths born, gettin close for you sambo hows the nerves goin? lol hope it all goes sweet for ya mate, i no it will like but good look an let me no how ya get on, we havin bets on the baby yield?!? lmao


Well-Known Member
Whats this with the special delivery? it goes to depo if no 1 signs usaully you said it went striaght there bill?


Well-Known Member
Well Ive sent 2 packages to 2 different people. Both have been in and nothing arrived. When I put the tracking number into their website, it states its at their local depot wanting picked up. Now its either they couldn't be fucked delivering or they have found out what was in the package and are waiting on someone picking it up. Fuck know but it wouldn't be me picking it up

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
sod that then. i stick sending pips only haha 1s class easy street. billy u do no u stated in ya thread that u gunna do start to finish n keep it post updated? well im disappointed now hahahahahahahahahaha been few days now n need me dog fix?
did the postie leave a card at yours? if not seems a fit up as if u not got card then how would u no it in sorting office? unless u new it was arriving n then u incriminating ya selfs as breaking law. would b careful chaps but then again i am a paranoid fuck nugget but with a clean record


Well-Known Member
U's r all jumpin the gun. Its jst the standard message saying its proceeding through the delivery network... It aint at no sortin office to be collected lol


Well-Known Member
Still got loads to do m8,need to cut grass tomorrow n finish weeding the borders... After that the only weeding a wanna b doin is the fairy's parcel lol... All tjis good weather n u not been doin urs?? Lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na today i did lil training n soaked up some rays. time did that had get th boy from sch. had no weed today n feel ok so far no tempers anyways haha


Well-Known Member
just been making some DIY water farms ... seem to be going ok ... just got to connect the air pipe n test ... made 4 for £15 quid lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
diy robbie eh. like a handy andy just more weed related diy haha.
u the chap with the lime plants on go? if so how r they getting on? wasnt it awkward moving the grow op to? was it cover darkness job?


Well-Known Member
yeah i got the persian limes on the go ... it wasnt hard moving them as i knew i was gonna be moving so i germinated them in party cups and kept them small then just stuck them in a plastic box with a lid n labeled them bedroom stuff lol ...