World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
1+ hr ahead of the uk so breakfast time............

2 large eggs and a good size fillet steak breakfast of champions lol

got some weed yday got bout 13g of swazi for 12quid was ripped off cause i stank of tourist lol its a nice smoke bit stemmy and a few seeds but smokes smooth and its a sativa of some kind the buzz is high.

im in sun city now at a game lodge 1mile away from the casinos, theres lions,elephants,cheetha,wild dogs the list just
gos on n on but unless im gonna shoot it i find the game drives abit boring tbh, this lodge is the nuts tho private pool and large glass windows on the side thats fenced off with a electric fence, had a joint in the pool yday then was just laying on the couch.

and see a banded mongoose very rare, and also a big ol baboon, this morning just seen a family of 6 warthog just walk past whilst im eating me breakfast outside, pretty cool really.


Well-Known Member
Be warey of baboons mate, I woke one morning and one was crawling in my window, a big fukker as well, I shat a brick, lol. And that was after the fukker opened the window himself and pulled the curtains back (was about to shout at the wife to keep the noise down!!!). They sure are clever. Sounds like a great time Sambo. Enjoy!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
morning all. u get me pms lastnight scotia?
sent couple but each time i hit send it crashed.
shite site more hassle then it worth
nice pot gold reefer n coffee and ufc, good morning so far haha
the big flip today. defo ditched the scrog now, seems like it just does alot damage to older growth. think need to re ajust me thinking for next run and not b so lame.
supercropped the shit out them yesterday to keep them low to ground and not bleached by light.
sambo how the devil r ya?? haha ya posts r making alot more sense now. think this half detox is doing u world good u sound refreshed and alive alot more now.
dst im shocked matey. im guessing u didnt shout to the mrs as u still have use off your arms and legs haha and i dont think she wood been impressed with being confused with a primate or monkey no matter the excuse off a real one in the room hahah
to b fair ent baboons agressive with huge razor sharpe teeth? fuck that. u see for me if i need a jab to not die visiting certain countrys or they have animals that can kill me then i rather not go hahahaha
haha saying that but my dream is to do a safari oneday.


Well-Known Member
Didnt get the pm's matey,couldnt get on most of the bite.... Hospital appointments galore for me today :-(

On a lighter note,both clones pickin up still lookin a bit limey but the new growths startin to pick up and point to the light, 2 x trainwreck & 1x purplewteck all broke surface,jst to shed their seed casings n we're laughin ;-)


Well-Known Member
Good luck at the Ozzy mate. Docs for me tomoz.

and no MDB, still got me arms, lol....

One of the lads down in SA told me about how clever these fukkers are. They get into cars, they know what fridges are, they can open doors. In Simons Town there are a group that wait until people turn up, they watch from above. Then when the peeps start unloading there cars they rush down and jack the cars, lol. Literally they have been known to get inside and shut the doors!!! Mad. My brother in law smacked one with a huge stick as it sat in his sons cot eating their apples. Would take one bite then throw the apple awy, then pick up another, take a bite and throw that away. When he was wacked with the stick he just arrogantly turned round, looked at my brother in law and then strolled off real slow.....Signs everywhere, Don't feed the baboons. You don't bloody well have to, they help

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
good luck hospital.
sounds like the garden filling up well.
yeah i can never get on here nowadays.
can u not shot the babboons if they in ya house?
isnt there any nice lil mnkeys there? sambo could bring one back for me haha. train it make teas and joints haha


Well-Known Member
Cheers not me today its the mrs. Garden will be full in a coupla wks. Think a may hve to try tap for another light think another 400 or 600 is badly needed


Well-Known Member
good luck in the hospital mate. i just got back from taking the baby. he had to have blood taken and he screamed like fuck lol.

sambo thats sound like every day around here, the women all look like baboons lmao

my white widow seeds came back just now too and im ordering coco and nutes in a bit when they send me the total disscount for p+p and ill be up and running again :-D


Well-Known Member
Eyup scotty old boy! good look at the docs bro hope alls well for yas!
recent pics look mint matey comin on a treat, makin me jelous as hell with that psycho im runnin short as fuck now :(
if you ant seen it thought id post it on here, makes me piss the southen fairy!!! lmao



Well-Known Member
good luck in the hospital mate. i just got back from taking the baby. he had to have blood taken and he screamed like fuck lol.

sambo thats sound like every day around here, the women all look like baboons lmao

my white widow seeds came back just now too and im ordering coco and nutes in a bit when they send me the total disscount for p+p and ill be up and running again :-D
mrt seen you askin Qs about the airpots mate, the 1L's are wicked for veg an work wonders you get a huge root system in a couple of weeks an no need to pot up 3 times there good togo stright to your final pot, ive used them with my 10L airpots and my 6L an both times ive had a big root system lookin healthy as fuck when ive opend the pots. the 1Ls look tiny mate an like there no good but trust me there sound!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
iuse 3 pots in total. i wood use four if had more height to hang light and use my 15 lt airpots for flowering. or drop my larger normal pots for the airpots instead and use the 3 still.
end day it wot eva works for u and your grow space allows. everybody different thats half fun off growing.
it wood b fine i reckon if u put seed in 15 litre airpot as long as u dont over water wen young and small roots and drown it. i mean in nature they dont have pots or limited root room so sod it sure they b fine however u grow it as long as u adapt grow to fit enviroments


Well-Known Member
cheers lads. i went for the 3L for veg and the 10L for flowering, i ordered them just now so hopefully they will be here tomorrow. it just deciding if i should put these seeds in to pop now or wait a day for the coco? the last white widow seeds had all split in 12 hours so i think ill wait till tomorrow to make sure


Well-Known Member
Your right mate just sayin how i do it, ive even veg'd for 3week an flowered for 9 in a 1ltr aipot start to finish got 2oz off the little fucker was the densist buds ive grown burnt to fuck like lol

how big you plannin on growin um mrt? 3Ls will handle 2-3ft plant no probs just means you gunna have to water more often thats all, im sure the 1ltrs fit in the 3s they go stright in the 6ls, an ill say again you'l be amazed how many roots you got after 2 weeks from rooted seed/cut in the 1lts, id even put money on it that you get more roots in 2 weeks then some peeps get all grow with standed pots!!!


Well-Known Member
cheers lads. i went for the 3L for veg and the 10L for flowering, i ordered them just now so hopefully they will be here tomorrow. it just deciding if i should put these seeds in to pop now or wait a day for the coco? the last white widow seeds had all split in 12 hours so i think ill wait till tomorrow to make sure
you goin stright in coco with um mate?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i think also the pots width helps. the airpots r more narrow and not so coned affect like normal pots. ive found using different pots the deeper narrower pots
seem to have faster growing roots then the wider pots? but then thats just me and wot i notice wen im stoned haha.


Well-Known Member
10ls are sound mate owt bigger with airpots an coco is a waste unless your growin 5ft trees! ive got 2x 10lts i used them my 2nd grow worked wonders.


Well-Known Member
i think also the pots width helps. the airpots r more narrow and not so coned affect like normal pots. ive found using different pots the deeper narrower pots
seem to have faster growing roots then the wider pots? but then thats just me and wot i notice wen im stoned haha.
yeh mate the airpots are norrow so every time a root gets to a hole an airproons an chucks a new 1 out its not got far togo before it hits another hole, standed pots are wider cos you want the root to spead around before it hits the side an turns.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeh mate the airpots are norrow so every time a root gets to a hole an airproons an chucks a new 1 out its not got far togo before it hits another hole, standed pots are wider cos you want the root to spead around before it hits the side an turns.
that sounds right. i got a normal pot bout same size as others i use early veg from seedling. just its deeper and narrower and i kid u not everytime iput seedling in it it always grows the bushier plant and the roots fill pot very rapid compared the wider more shallower pots.
anyways mayb am talking crap and its just a fluke or luck that each time its grown the better plant for me


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lads. My lovely mother bought me a big bag of coco pro 4 airpots n a bigger fan. All a need to do is her gardening for summer ;-)

Spend ages movin shit,fittin new fan and av still got loads to do..

Hows everyone else??