World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
no mate the top pics right, the bottoms pics are what happens if you got pointed end down or cracked end down, a lot of peeps asume roots grown down so put the root down it needs to be up, theres some scientific name for seeds that do this ill try an find it now theres a few different plants that do it.
you see in the top pic the root grwos out of top an down the side then the natural curve its made straightens an the seedling slides from the case an surfaces wastin no energy, the bottom way the root do its curve like its programed to but the realisers its wrong way and wont surface so goes back down which wastes energy an you end up with the double kink whick can hold the seed case on as it comes out backwards now, also some time they dont surface at all an die cos they have used all energy growin up then down.
cheers mate ill have to do it that way next time cos im having to break the seed caseing off on most of these.

did you read my post yesterday about my fan being over kill? i worked out that its emptying my tent every 10 seconds! 750 m3/h is way too much for 1.2m tent, ive just ordered a fan speed controler off ebay


Well-Known Member
cheers mate ill have to do it that way next time cos im having to break the seed caseing off on most of these.

did you read my post yesterday about my fan being over kill? i worked out that its emptying my tent every 10 seconds! 750 m3/h is way too much for 1.2m tent, ive just ordered a fan speed controler off ebay
Yeh try mate see how ya go!

No mate i dint read, it is it a 6" fan? you got it on a loop?....... so a 6" duct goes out side an your fan drags air through from outside through the tent an out?? as long as the fresh air duct is same size as your fan you should be sound mate, might have to reanforce the sides of the tent so they dont suck in seen a few peeps do this, when they do suck in its negitive pressure which plants grow best in an more airflow is always better so id hold back on the controller, sayin that tho with the new fan you might need the controller in winter thats only time i use mine.

Thats why a solid rooms better if you can build or have space then the tents, tents are just a lot easier to move take down an setup imo.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na mrt cos im led i dont feed or water till pot is total dry top 2 inch at least.
its odd how bigger ones showing burn but lil ones ent. thinking gotta b salt build up


Well-Known Member
Yeh try mate see how ya go!

No mate i dint read, it is it a 6" fan? you got it on a loop?....... so a 6" duct goes out side an your fan drags air through from outside through the tent an out?? as long as the fresh air duct is same size as your fan you should be sound mate, might have to reanforce the sides of the tent so they dont suck in seen a few peeps do this, when they do suck in its negitive pressure which plants grow best in an more airflow is always better so id hold back on the controller, sayin that tho with the new fan you might need the controller in winter thats only time i use mine.

Thats why a solid rooms better if you can build or have space then the tents, tents are just a lot easier to move take down an setup imo.
i got an 8" one. i was thinking of getting a smaller one but thought go for the big 1, saves having to upgrade again. i got it setup to take air in from the room and vent through the window. i want to get the attick done out in the end but with the lack of cash i went for the tent.

na mrt cos im led i dont feed or water till pot is total dry top 2 inch at least.
its odd how bigger ones showing burn but lil ones ent. thinking gotta b salt build up
the smaller ones could still be growing and using more nutes too. i found on my first grow i had to dial the feeds down after they stopped stretching


Well-Known Member

yeah m8 still loving it i been loads of times tho, detox aint been going so well lolol but deffo feeling alot better for getting away, only got 11days left now n im back to uk missing the kids loads but like i say all for the best.

at least i can go back after finking long n hard that i just gotta be civil and get on with the fat ginger cunt if i wana see me kids.......

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
mr t they the smaller ones r still growing but its the lack nute burn on them but on th bigger ones that confuses me as they have same feed as im lazy. just odd bigger ones got burn as i wood normally feed the bigger ones higher nute feed. oh well who cares am nicely stoned now haha


Well-Known Member
How close r ur big ones to the light? Could it be a little heat stress but then mayb not with ur leds.. usually nute burn will leave spots all over the affected leaves as well

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
tip burn only dude? it may well b to close light dunno y i didnt think off that. may explain y bigger ones only. will supercrop them tomorrow lower them down see if helps. mate the exo is a beast cant wait see it stretch now. in 12/12 finaly. think got two lil stalks at bottom that i may snip and clone if i got the borgs dead.
spent 80 per cent today cleaning grow tent / room . all carpets, then bleached tent, light ,fans florring inside tent. even my bed incase haha. house is shining top to bottom hahahaha. i refuse beleive they had anywhere to hide as ive been on it like a hawk.
even antifected outside pots, and yest i let bit the spray soak in soil incase any hiding in there.
but yeah they defo picked up. in week i will prob again shower them in spray and wipe all leaves and stalks 1st remove egg if any left. but def had them on the bigger bc for sure. it looked like life being sucked out it. proper glad i found it so soon. see it pays to check plabts alot in a day hahahahaaha


Well-Known Member
Tell me bout it. At least u got it under control now n not wks into flower.

1 of my trainwreck babies found dead this mornin. Same thinnin if the stem thing,tried to upload pics earlier but riu dwn as usual. Mamaged on bubbleponics n someone mentioned fungal infection but fuck knows how,mayb over water or somethin fuck knows?? The others ok so fingers crossed its a good 1


Well-Known Member
Others r fine m8 spot in gettin bigger by the dy. Think a may hve 4 bsb females all nice tight nodes so far no stretch but not showin any signs.

Well hopefully our gardens'l look better in the mornin :-D


Well-Known Member
did it look anything like this?

ive been reading a thread and it says something about damping off disease. this is what they say to do.

[h=2]Damping Off Disease[/h]

Somewhere lurking in the air in your house is the fungus spores of the most dreaded of plant disease for those of us who start plants indoors for transplanting outdoors later in the season.
Damping off Disease is very common plant disease problem. We fear it, because it is fatal to our young seedlings, and is quite harmful to our soaring spring spirits. To lose seedlings so early in the new gardening year is just heartbreaking, especially if it is a special seed. It leads to replanting, and gets our young gardening season off to a late start.
If you grow indoor transplants early in the spring, you likely have experienced it at some point. We usually think of Damping Off Disease as an indoor plant problem. But, it also occurs outdoors, too. We are less likely to recognize it outdoors, as the loss of plants in the spring can be attributed to a number of things.
Now for the good news.... Damping Off Disease as a threat to your seedlings can be minimized. We have lots of tips and ideas to help fight off this enemy of the state.

[HR][/HR] Causes of Disease: Damping Off disease thrives in cool or cold, dark or cloudy, wet or damp conditions. The disease is airborne, and can spread very quickly from one seed tray to another.
The fungal spores take root in your soil and quickly spreads across the seed tray, jumping to other trays with ease. It is fatal to young seedlings, nipping them off at the soil level.

[HR][/HR] Treatment: As with other plants diseases, prevention is the best means of treatment. Follow the do's and don't's listed below. If Damping Off disease does take hold in your seed trays, act immediately. Remove diseased sections to minimize the spread. If it has affected a significant number of plants, replant in new soil and clean containers. Do not reuse the soil. Either use new containers, or sterilize the ones you were using. We recommend new containers.

[HR][/HR] Controlling the Disease: Controlling the disease is a matter of removing the environment that Damping Off disease thrives in. Here are the basic do's and don'ts:
** Buy sterilized seed starting soil.
** Use clean, sterilized containers.
** Provide plenty of air circulation.
Tip: Use a small fan and direct a gentle breeze across the room. The important word here is "gentle"
** Thin seedlings to increase air circulation.
** Provide as much sunlight as possible.
** Let the surface of the soil dry out between watering. Watering from the bottom is preferred.
** Stir the top of the soil around the seedlings.
** Put plants in a sunny location.
** Don't leave your seedling trays in the basement. Basements are perfect breeding grounds.
** Don't overwater plants.
** Do not use fertilizer on your new seedlings.
** Don't use tray covers. While it is a popular practice to use them, they increase the humidity level and encourage disease growth.
Did you know? Nitrogen in your fertilizer can promote rapid growth of Damping Off Disease.

[HR][/HR] Other Tips and Suggestions: It is believed that soaking seeds in a small amount of water and a clove of crushed garlic will prevent the disease.
Some people suggest misting the plant with Chamomile tea as a preventative.
Some people suggest fireplace ash on the top of the soil.
Cinnamon also acts as a fungicide.
Sphagnum moss spread thinly on the surface of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Na not over fert m8 can only assume its damp n cold at lights off. Could mayb explain how all ma first attemp at clones failed?? Jst worried about the rest now. If they all die am totally fucked :-(

May hve to pop sooner than expected and try come up with a new veg cupboard


Well-Known Member
Yeah m8 the rest seem to b fine no sign of stem shrinkage lol... Only.worry is a potted a bsb into the airpot but it in flower tent so hopefully hi temps n low humidity will kill the spores... Got new root riots n kept ma coco away from it so fingers crossed. Jst need to c if a can move the veg cub elsewhere.

Alright chedz hows tricks mate,u close to choppin ur bsb?


Well-Known Member
This friday mate cant fuckin wait haha just had sun even better news tho the misses just passed her theory haha the bad news is she wants her bmw x5 now so theres the harvest money nearly gone :-( lmao


Well-Known Member
Fuck mate another woman driver on the rd, remind me no tae drive dwn ur way chedz lol... Got 4 bsbs jst now should b showin sex any day now ;-)