World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Na den matey haha i thought you was binnin lot, least you got ya cuts weth they weight in gold them fuckers lol good luck mate!


Well-Known Member
Aye young chief, keep yer chin up and good luck with the nosey cunts.....just tell them you got Touerettes when they arrive and then you got free rain, lol. Seriously, take it easy bru.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
soz i ddnt post it here to matey, heres the catch up
had def in leaves and a few had burnt tips as well. i think i got it sussed now wasnt me killing them but them craving shit not in nutes and cos led needs different things.
pics pics pics
bc big.jpgsm damage bc (2).jpgsm damage bc.jpgsm damaged plant.jpgbc groupy 2.jpgbc groupy.jpgbc leaves.jpgbig bc 2.jpgbig bc.jpgplants 018.jpgbcs. couple showing cal/mag n iron defs.
one of the taller plants is the spider mitre damaged one and it seems good week or two behind others.

exo.jpgexo5.jpgexo6.jpgexo2.jpgexo3.jpgexo4.jpgexo x br or as i call it pain in the arse. real frosty now had a good fluch n mag iron feed. she on road recovery. cloned her so hope i get her needs sorted n figured over next this run before flower her clones.

rom x br (2).jpgrom x br.jpgthe baby of the group rom x br. real cool mini plant and most frosty by a good way


Well-Known Member
* You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mad dog bark again.***

Bollocks lol

well played matey few defs but recovered well by the looks of them


Well-Known Member
hope they do ok matey. did u get much off the exo in the end
ment the pyscho u chopped early?
Got bout 3/4 of an oscar mate,not a lot but ok for 12/12 from rooted n chopped 2-3 wks early. The bsbs are lookin real good apart from the heat stress a few wks ago. 2 really dark purple n a lighter purple diff smells as well so holdin off the chop as long as poss


Well-Known Member
i think ive had your luck with my fem seeds mate. i got to check them later but ones looking like it might be a male. i didnt have much time to have a tidy look yesterday cos i went out for a meal and had a game of poker up my mates. the lights coming on at 6 so ill have a tidy look then


Well-Known Member
Its not good m8,in fact its devastating lol. All that time.n effort veggin n keepin nice n green n then it fcks u in the arse :-(


Well-Known Member
i might have been wrong mate. im still not 100% yet cos it looks like 2 calyx's where the 1 should be and theres no set of 2 long hairs that you can see with your eyes, the others of the same strain where showing about a week ago. but i got the pocket microscope out and i think i can make out the start of 1 of the hairs coming out. 1 of the ww has got the start of bud showing. ill just have to wait and see. i doubt ill ever give blue cheese another go tho


Well-Known Member
i just ordered some of that bug clear ultra off ebay. i didnt see any for a few days and just left it, i had a look just now when i was watering them and the soil had a good few little flies in it and more came out when i ran my finger through the top of the soil


Well-Known Member
i killed off 2 of my blue cheese cos they where males. i got 1 thats a hermie too i think. its got a good few calyx's on it but i was sure it had 3 sets of balls too. i scrapped them off and im keeping a close eye on it. that quite a shit ratio for a pack of 5 fem seeds, 2 males and 1 hermie lol. fuck barneys farm from now on i should have gone for big budda


Well-Known Member
Wiz barneys bc a dne mate only bought one seed from pick n mix n it was a cracker..

I'd send them an email matey especially with that ratio


Well-Known Member
ive had a little look online and a few people said about mailing them but didnt get a response. its pissed me off a treat mate. i dont know what to do with that hermie looking fucker. chuck it or grow it and keep an eye on it so i can chop it early for a bit of smoke

could the mag def have stressed it into hermying?


Well-Known Member
Sorry for delay ended up rather drunk last nite lol...

Av had plenty cal/mag defs especially with the psycho and its never hermied on me. Ad probably put it dwn to a dodgy gene in probably that run of seeds tht Barneys has dne. Look at my purplewreck it was one healthy lookin bitch then started growin some sheman bits. Its jst one of those things mate. The fairy's bringin me some more seeds from across the pond so goin to hve another bash at it. She has had 2 females from the pack of 5 so far so keepin ma fingers crossed lol


Well-Known Member
good luck with them mate. from what i read tho they all said barneys where good genetics bar a few saying they had the same trouble as me. they all said dutch passion where the worst for doing it but my ww on the first run where good and these ww are going ok too


Well-Known Member
Av never had probs with barneys n a know growers around here who do dutch passion every now n again n they love them. Think its jst your luck,remember they are basically messing with the genes to feminize the seeds to begin with so there's bound to b a few "mutants" every now n again


Well-Known Member
what would you say to do with that hermie? there where only a few nanas but its only 2 weeks into flowering. i know most people would say throw it.
they changed their minds again with doing my windows mate. they got a grant and have got to get it done by december now. im going to have to hide these and take the tent doen atleast twice before thier done