World of Seeds - Strawberry Blue


Well-Known Member
Well I can't find my transfer cable. We had company last week and there was some file and picture sharing happening. I think my cable skipped town with a friend by accident. Here's another picture I took the week before to make up for it. :peace:



Well-Known Member
The "like" button came back just in time.
Well done, that must be some serious camera you have and some top quality buds!


Well-Known Member
Lol. It's not the camera. It's the 10 dollar macro extension tube I got off ebay that does all the magic.

The buds are def. quite frosty man. I swear I've done more than one double take at a bud thinking I'd started to get powdery white mildew. I'm way psyched on my first experience now with World of Seeds so I'm thinking I'll probably go with them next time I need seeds as well unless I can get a hold of some erdbeer#1xfreezeland or erdbeer#2xfreezeland seeds. I'll also have a decent supply of my own seeds now as well which is nice. I don't have to spend money until I see something I really want. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well I'm taking pics of what's been going on. I'll get a transfer cable tomorrow and post some. I have begun the systemic dismantling of the big lady.

I snipped a bud I guess 6 days ago and let it hang up and dry in my special drying box. It was dry after about 4 and a half days and so I started a little baby cure for a smoke test. I smoked a bowl yesterday evening and it was really a fantastic high. Took the dog for a walk with the wife. Felt energetic and really creative with a really nice looseness of body to go along with it. The retreat was really slow and hardly noticeable with a nice taper into clarity.

Basically. It's where I want it. So chop chop chop. Or not? Actually, I'm leaving my seeded flowers to go until Friday. I have 6 good seeds so far but I want to make double sure that the more heavily seeded bud's seeds are totally ripe.

Up until this point the big lady has been under the warm cfl and the little lady has been under the cool. Now the roles have reversed and I'm looking forward to watching her pick up pace.

With what I've taken off already, and what I'll be taking off on Friday, I'm giving a conservative estimate of 2.5 ounces on big lady. If she goes past that she'll be 2.9 max. Little lady on the other had, having been topped and treated differently, is going to hit 3 ounces for sure.

You hps and other high watt growers might not be happy with those numbers but here's the thing. I am. 5 or more ounces of bud will last me months and months. Let's not forget though, that I have the mystery plant outside and both of these ladies will be going outside to regeg and flower as soon as they are done. Big lady will be spending Friday night outdoors and little lady will be out there in a few weeks. I'll probably throw a few seeds out as well just to see.

That means I'll most likely be sitting on a pound minimum by the end of October. Sigh.........I'm a happy man. Pics soon people. I swear. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh man I'd be wicked happy too! A pound would last me months too :)
You really are doing a great job and seem to be loving your new hobby, I'm so excited for your harvest report and artsy pics :)
How is the flavor of the Strawberry Blue? I have a 2 week seedling that looks fantastic, though i've heard mixed reviews of this strain. I was looking for something comparable with KKSC

+rep for the trich porn :)


Well-Known Member
While I haven't smoked a properly cured bud yet, the nug that I smoked with guests tasted great.

The big lady has a sweet chem kind of taste and smell with a subtle hint of dried strawberry that I'm pretty sure will carry over and strengthen with the cure.

Little lady is seriously lemony. If you took a lemon starburst, popped it in your mouth with some lemon skittles, and then, while chewing those, smelled some lemon floor cleaner, that's what she smells like. Double lemon with a hint of chem but it's a sweet and musty kind of chem. She's really something else.

Good luck with your grow. You doing a journal?


Well-Known Member
Oh man I'd be wicked happy too! A pound would last me months too :)
You really are doing a great job and seem to be loving your new hobby, I'm so excited for your harvest report and artsy pics :)
Pics today. I swear, I swear, I swear.
It's funny though that it's not a "new" hobby, but when you grow, every time is as exciting as the last. Maybe even more so as each time you do it, you do it better, easier, and more successful. I'm sure you're finding that out yourself as well. :D :peace:


Well-Known Member
For some reason I thought this was your first grow, I should of!

Lemon goodness over there eh? Damn I love your oh so descriptive posts, and I've always loved the lemon Starbursts the most, so I can literally only imagine how great she smells and how drooly she's gonna taste ;) Can't wait for the new pics...did you get your new tube? I want one of those :)


Active Member
Bangers son im really looking forward to a cyber smoke of that good lemon goo. Post pictures soon.

Alter Ego

Active Member
All I can say is wow, wow, wow!!! I don't think I have ever seen another Strawberry Blue grown soooo nice! Sooo many bud sites/colas, such dark, almost black leaves! My goodness!

I have 2 Strawberry Blues going with my oldest at about a month old but I highly doubt mine will turn out like yours. I am also growing fully organic outdoors so I am glad I found your journal and like the homemade soil you are using. Any more info on the dirt? Also, when do you plan of chopping? I am sure you see the light at the end of the tunnel!

+Rep my man!