Worldwide MJ prices


Well-Known Member
they over priced atlanta by about 25%. i usually get a quarter of the real kush for 100 or 110. but they did get the quality part right. i dont know why but we have some the best bud in the world here in Atlanta. I have family in cali and have smoked bubba kush and chem dog a couple of times and all of them say its the best in the west. I have what the "brothers" call kush and it beat the chemdog with flying colors no doubt. Who knows what stran it really is but we have a ton of indoor ops that are crankin this stuff out. We do get alot of schwag and some mids inour area but is mostly for the cheap or kids. no one wants to spend a hundred bucks on an ounce and have to go pickin through seeds bluck nasty ass seeds

Illegal Smile

Looking around this site is see the term dro being used as if it were a strain. And what do they mean by "name brands?" lol


Well-Known Member
I checked my area on that stupid site, they were horribly wrong about everything LOL i'll stick to hightimes THMQ


bud bootlegger
the prices seem about right, but some of the accounts are a lil iffy.. for my area, they say to walk around the local mall and get it off a highschool kid.. if i were to approach a highscholl kid in the mall, i would surely be pegged as a narc and not got anyything...i think i have checked out this site before when i was going to europe, and i did in fact find some weed in the places in spain that they had listed on the site, so, take if for what you will........


Meh. The city (more like a town ) I border is on there and whoever wrote it was clearly a mouth breathing idiot, and probably doesn't have a a solid connection there. The prices are kind of off, and they keep referring to "schwag". Around here it goes like this from lowest quality to highest: Mids, KB, Headies, Haze/Specific strain names. Considering what we call mids, I'd hate to see the poor bastard who picks up this "schwag, it must be fan leaves ground up or something? I also noticed that it was written in 2007 when there was quite a bit of white rhino going through (the kind of weed that has coke sprinkled on it, not the strain name) and they included that you could find that around here which is pretty innacurate these days. There are 4 colleges within like 4 miles of each other there, and really the only good bud comes from some one who goes to college around there because they always have some ridiclous hookup from out of town. Other then that most of the bud around here gets imported from Boston or Bridgewater so we have usually whatever they have out there.

So long story short, don't waste your time on that website.
I have to agree with racerboy. For my area it also says to go to the local mall. Probably a great idea if you want to get busted or ripped off. To me it looks like the whole system is just based on personal experiences. The site seems like a good resource if you just want to kill some time. Don't read too into it :)


Active Member
well im not gonna say where i am from, but there is 3 cities listed close to me, and from what i read they're very accurate...2007 or 2009...somethings dont change, like where to score weed


Active Member
In ireland, particually limerick and belfast, if you were to follow their advice on how to score ya'd prob end up penniless in a local hospital if your fortunate. And the good morrocon hash stopped comin :sad:! now its pale fluffy stuff full of morrocon disel. bad times lol


bud bootlegger
i think i used this site when i went to barcelona and it said to hang out on las ramblas, which is like the main pedistrian street in all of the city, and you will find some weed or hash, and i did find both.. but i think i honestly could have found them both on my own if i hadn't read this before hand..
but it was pretty cool to check out and waste a few minutes on.. i couldn't believe how close to my hometown they actually had a post on.. i mean like next town over, and i live in a small ass town... it was pretty cool to see that it was in there.
over all, a pretty cool read..


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that you have to take your life in your hands in some places like Kazakhstan to get weed. Thats fucked man.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that you have to take your life in your hands in some places like Kazakhstan to get weed. Thats fucked man.
Yeah man, it's interesting seeing how to score weed in other countries. The Philippines one sounds pretty accurate.