Worm in soil ???


I was just wondering I have 3 plants each in a 5 gal. Buckets I was thinkin, would it be alright to toss a. Worm into each bucket ? I know there good for the soil but they would be confined to 5 gallons of soil and the fertilizer I use every other watering ? Let me know thanks :weed:


Well-Known Member
never thought of that, some people put fish in there hydro tanks cant remember the reason.. yea fuk it throw em in but throw loads in to one bucket and see if u notice anythin different could be the new all natural ph buffer.. a worm


Ya it seems pretty safe I'd only want to put 1 for now reason being is because what if they fuck like rabbits and I end up with 100-1000 in my 5 gal bucket aha, I don't know how often they mate but its not often I'll throw more in. I know people use worm casting but I think this would be better anything decomposing naturally down there the worm will eat and fertalize my soil at the same time. Aha ?


Well-Known Member
i have a worm farm that i collect worm castings from and i also runwater through it to get worm shit juice i use both on my plants and in my veg garden i somtimes put worms in my veg garden but never in my weed garden -- i found out from this site there is ten ways to do eveery step- we all garden different

ganja girl

New Member
Worms will aerify the soil. Giving air and water a pathway to your root zone. Worms do need 'food' to eat, so your soil will need some organics that they can feed on.

Think along the lines of your compost pile. Just mix in some decomposing lettuce leaves, any composing veggies, do not put in any animal fats, etc., or it will smell to high heavens. This will not hurt your plants and might give you a continued low dose of N and some other good nutes.

And yes, worm casing is a great soil conditioner.

Ya it seems pretty safe I'd only want to put 1 for now reason being is because what if they fuck like rabbits and I end up with 100-1000 in my 5 gal bucket aha, I don't know how often they mate but its not often I'll throw more in. I know people use worm casting but I think this would be better anything decomposing naturally down there the worm will eat and fertalize my soil at the same time. Aha ?


But why not toss a worm into the soil rather than farm the worms for there castings ?Dwezelitsame ? seeing as you have a worm farm do you know how quickly they reproduce ? :leaf:


Thanks for that post ganja :). My soil is organic and has a lot of wood chips and twigs in it, would the worms eat the wood ?



Well-Known Member
Finally, somebody asks that question. I do it, and I wondered why it wasn't common practice?

The only problem I could think of was the possibility of
killing worms with nutes and flushing and such.

I only put one worm in a pot, but they can multiply quickly, and a sudden die-off would be meat in the substrate.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify for me worms need to have sex to multiply correct ? Or do they use mitosis and split ?
Isn't mitosis cell division? Of course they have sex. Wouldn't you if you were a worm?

:) If you cut an earthworm in two, you wind up with two worms, but tha's not mitosis.

edit: ou know that weird space on an earthworm? I think that's an egg producing/carrying section. (Ovum?)
I'm not sure, but you get my drift as to how one worm can become many.


Aha I saw somethin about mitosis in a comedy movie called evolution aha. Ill toss just 1 in each bucket :) . Anyone know if they will eat the wood chips that are in my organic soil ?

Time to do some biology research aha thanks


Well-Known Member
atr never watched that close i know they do reproduce- cant tell you the cycle- can tell you my dog my cat my plants cycle not my worms sorry

and yes about the food for worms-- that is what they do decompose dont feed them meat onions and citr- almost anything else