Worm Poop


Active Member
Anybody ever hear of using "worm poop"? It's a very light spray nute.
(.02-.03-.02) I am using it very sparingly on my seedlings that are about a week old, and it seems to be keeping the plants very dark green and thick. It's my first grow, so it is kind of experimental. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
This is more commonly called worm "casings". Many experienced people on here will have heard of this.

I don't know much about it, but from what I have read worm casings seem expensive and unnecessary.


Active Member
This is more commonly called worm "casings". Many experienced people on here will have heard of this.

I don't know much about it, but from what I have read worm casings seem expensive and unnecessary.

I think it was only $4 or $5 for the bottle. Worm castings are the actual 100% natural worm defication, this is some stuff that is in the gardening section of some big retailers. "Worm Poop" is the actual name of the product, it's not 100% the real thing but basically made with castings or casings (whatever it is) of real worms. I figured it may be worth a try, but yeah it may be worthless. Thanks a lot for the reply!


Active Member
its made by terracycle.............they guys have vids that claim you cant burn a plant say they have plants they have poured whole bottles on and not burned but home depot has it for like 9 dollars per 2 liter....im gonna try some also hope not a stupid thing..........anyone else let us know


Well-Known Member
worm castings work well for keeping plants green .. you can go through full veg with nothing but worm castings organic is best high in Nitrogen .. bat guano works good too for veg and flowering depending on values .. high N for veg or high P for flower


Active Member
I only use worm poop for my plants. After many trials and error. I found out that during the first 6 weeks from seed I use nothing but worm casting. The real thing though 100 percent worm casting! Here is 2 of my plants at only 13 days old from when the seeds crack. The bigger leaf plant is called holland hope and the smaller one is purple widow. Both are 13 days old.

