

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried or know anything about whether earthworms in indoor pots do any good? I know worm castings are supposed to be good, and I remember in elementary school being taught that they're good for plants. Would I help my plants if I picked up some night crawlers and set them free to roam the same soil as my plants?


Active Member
id be slow enough going putting worms into me potted plants...

what if the little bastards started eating the roots??

they'd probably die from nitrogen poisoning or smth...


Well-Known Member
I was thinking they might die from the nutes, but I doubt the worms would cause root damage :/ My understanding was that they just help breakdown dead organic matter to release nutes back into the soil, prevent soil compaction and leave castings. Anybody else ever had a run at this?


ive tried end all solution into root system to try to sufficate them but they move all thru the plant! theyve been in my rockwool too. a 21 day systemic poision .and these guys add a wk sometimes to my rooting time,when they get built up in numbers


The fertilizer would fry them. Don't think they would mess with the roots.
check your roothairs.its like they leave just the main.thats when you start to think you have a defficenity. you get wide ranges of stress factors and by then its cut into your end result.like a nutrient lockout eg.


earthworms yes. these feed directly from plant matter.way smaller tho, prob 3mm long. transparent wit a tiny black head. killer bugs no joke