
so i noticed today my nute solution has worms all growing on the roots. has any one noticed this type of stuff before. they look like little tiny leaches. i would really like to kill them and keep going to finish the plant. sorry no pics at this time. any thoughts on how to kill them without having to cut the plant.


Well-Known Member
wait lemme get this right, ur NUTE solution has worms? or the plants roots? im a bit confused as to where ur pointing the problem at?


Well-Known Member
you could possibly use a hydrogen proxide mix but im not sure the exact dilution rates. Or go to your local garden or hydroponic store and im sure they have a product that could help you

roger v

I ment to say one part peroxide and three parts water.That what I just did I had fungus fleas. you dont have fleas flying around do you.thoses worms might be larva. that turn in to fleas.If you have organic you will kill your micro organism .I dont know if I spell that right. I had to get rid of them larva . Just water normal with that.shoud get rid of them.your probley not growing with soil if you can see your roots. may be you could spray the roots.
im using a 5 gallon bucket aero setup. the roots sit in the nute water with airstones all around. well i looked at the roots today and noticed little leach looking type things. im gunna try the h2o2 thing and hope that works to get rid of them. im at 10 weeks into flowering and would really like to keep going without having to just say screw it and cut it down.


Well-Known Member
I would get hygrozyme. Roots pests hate it. You can find it at your nearest hydroponics retailer.
id love to go to the hydro store. but its a hour ride away. and my saturn POS isnt getting me there. im in the process of buying a new car and switching into that one. so by the time i get around to it 2 weeks will prob be here. i just wanna kill the lil buggers and start a 2 week just plain old water flush. does that sound like a good idea? im looking for a quick response but i got all day. thanks for your ideas and help