worried about shock from T5 to HPS first grow


Holy crap you guys got me paranoid being a newbee and all1 st MJ's 002.jpg1 st MJ's 001 (640x480).jpg, bin reading some of the treads on problems you are all having with bugs. Hmmm... may as well get some sprays in advance and be ready for them :cry: . Take a look at these girls do they look ok ? 3- white widow x big bud and 3 violator kush from herbie seed just transplanted into 3 gal pots. while these babies were growing I was finishing my new first grow room (12x12) super insulated drywalled painted white , floor done in snow seal white roofing rubbery compound. with 2 -600 watt hps/mh lights, co2 gen and monitor, dehumidifier(be here Thursday) 8" carbon filter. 4 fans to keep it stirred up. But I really nervous about the move from my T5's in my house to the 600 watt hps light and co2. Like to give then a couple more weeks of veg time .Kinda figured I would turn my ballist down on 50% keepem high over the girls to start match house temp in room and increase that 5 degree's a day until I get 85 to top out at 90+ . then hit the co2 button and hold on baby !! haha all kidding aside I don't want to shock the poor things. what do think of my plan being a newbee at his your input is much valued !!

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
If you do as you said and dim your light (electric ballast feature) raise them up and slowly lower them over the next three to four days you will be golden!


Thanks guys, a little feed back = peace of mind going into this move is helpful ..........It's funny how you get attached to these ladies...... and not want harm to come to them :weed:................... peace and well being to you all !!