worried about veg state


Active Member
ok so this is my first grow i have a pretty sweet set up ill get some pics on here shortly but my question asks that i started straight into 18/6 and they did well, cfl grow btw, they are still doing well but i have six plants and would like to down size to three when i know the sex. k so here is the question one of the plants is already showing sighns of female so does that mean that they went straight into flowering stage or no?


Active Member
It's probably just pre-flowering, which is basically just the plant telling you its ready. I'm guessing the plants have been growing for atleast 4 weeks? If so, this is probably what it is. You can still continue to veg it if you'd like more size on it before flowering.


Active Member
its bag seed i, i would say they have been veging for 4 weeks now. im pretty sure i have 2 that are males but im not exactly sure i dont want to toss them without being one hundred percent sure. my other question is our these sites secure with ip adresses and shit. have you heard of any one getting buster throught this site?


Active Member
Actually we are all cops. And this whole site was set up just to bust You.

hahhaha I dont think theres enough cops to bust every stoner on this site, and theres gotta be some sort of law against cops tracking down random IPs on websites?


Active Member
its cool i thought it was i have six plants so i now know 2 are male and i know i have one female for sure the thing i dont get though is that these have only been growing 3/4 weeks in veg state under cfl lights 4 daylight and 4 warm light 100 watt.


Well-Known Member
how can u not tell there male. that plant has massive balls an no hair - just like myself ;) rofl, only jokin....... i have hair.


Active Member
looks like out of 6 plants only one is gonna be female wtf..... sucks but has anyone in the us bought seeds online and felt safe about it?


Active Member
but idk i guess thats why its called luck sometimes its shit sometimes its not! what do you think of the set up. the case was free which is working great has the part you see and then below it is a storage area which im thinking im going to throw lights in and start a seeding aread. my set up is a 8 foot sunglass case from where i worked made of steel hole in the top and hole out the back for venting and fans i have 4 warm cfl lights and 4 day light cfls a co2 filtering through water and 4 fans working my venting let me know what you think. the linings our emer blankets


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
cool, looks like my veg closet. I have plants right now that showed sex at 32 days FROM SEED while they were still in veg so I don't think yours are unusual. I've ordered seeds online from drchronic.com twice now. I live on east coast US. They have a huge selection and have been very reliable so far. Your seeds come in a regular letter-size envelope to your mailbox from London. I was nervous about it like any normal person would be the first time but I'm totally comfortable now. Check it out.:peace:

Edit: also HempDepot.com is good
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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
when you order from sites like that are you expected to get only female seeds or is it still a guessing game?
You can order feminized seeds but there is higher likelihood for hermies with those. I would stick with regular non-feminized seeds and just expect to get half males. Getting hermies makes you feel worse than getting males, trust me.


Active Member
i know they are from an outdoor grow because thats pretty much the only bud in the area that youll find with seeds in them, is any one pretty familiar with cloning?? considering that i just had 6 plants and only one female i was curious if i could clone her and have them bud around the same time or close to the same time??? sorry if this is a stupid question