worry or not?


Too many brownies
i think the question is: do you trust the kid? do you think he'll fold on you and rat you out after all the weed you have hooked him up with?

do you know him that well really, i mean if youre questioning his integrity i suppose you could you dont know him at all
Now that im done worrying...yes I do trust him, 100% :peace:


New Member
I wouldn't sell to your friend if he is young 'cause thats always gonna bite ya in the ass down the road some day.
I know as a kid i bought from all kinds of people and would be pissed at myself for saying this but its just not worth the risk.

Let them find their own stuff otherwise you are gonna always be wondering:roll: and worrying.:? Just let the kid know in a gentle manner so his ego isn't crushed. You know how kids are.:-|

Good luck

Ok I sell a half oz to an oz to this younger kid every once in a while that is a very good friend of mine.

He sells some of it occasionally for good money but today while at school one of the kids he had sold to got busted. The kid said he bought it from him.

They dont know my name and I know for a fact my buddy is not giving up my name or info to the loser local cop that was harassing him. Hes smart enough and know that it wont help anything at all. Plus the cops have absolutely nothing on him since He has no weed or paraphernalia on him....only one scared stoned kids word to go by.

Ok so should I even worry about it getting back to me?


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah you should worry,i would.

Ton's of people get popped every year from their "friend's".

If your gonna sell, dont sell small sacks!!,leave the small sacks to the corner dealer who sells 1,000 dimes a day,way too many people act a fool after buying small sacks,like pulling over 1 block from your house to roll a joint,radio blasting,trunk ratteling,head down twisting a jibber,low & behold Officer Mcgruff is in the rear veiw mirror,or better yet,leaving shit in their back pack & taking the shit to school :roll:

Especially dont sell to people who still live at home with momma,cant you hear the speach from mommy,dont throw your life away johnny just tell them what they want to know,you can still turn your life around,dont throw your life away protecting some drug dealer,dont be a fool.

Ok momma.


Mota King
haha I never got a speech like that I guess my parents just didnt love me :blsmoke: orr it coulda been the fact that when they were kids they were stoners too :hump:


Too many brownies
Alright thanks for your opinions guys and gals, I appreciate it.

The only reason why I sell small sacks is because I dont produce alot of bud with my setup...so if I get a nice harvest I like to send my buddys home with a little treat...not for free though.

Thats all I do...im no drug dealer...

Well obviously according to law I would be...but you know what I mean...im not out on the streets or even looking for people to sell it too.

Its usually a friend that will come over when I have a few ounces...he will really like it and then I will say okay you can have a quarter...

just to clear that up hahahah


Well-Known Member
I dunno about you guys, but when i was a little tot I remember my dad telling me ''loose lips sink ships'', ''snitches get stitches'' all that yada, And mom felt the same way.


Well-Known Member
I dunno about you guys, but when i was a little tot I remember my dad telling me ''loose lips sink ships'', ''snitches get stitches'' all that yada, And mom felt the same way.
Amen brother,same here too,if my father even thought i was gonna snitch he'd of fuked me up quick.

Sadly though parents like ou's are far & few in between,most parents nowdays are blamers,its all somebody elses fault lil johnny got in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Snitches get dumped in ditches. Then again, I don't think it would be worth killing someone over a weed charge or 2. Maybe when you're talking in 6 figures.


Well-Known Member
Snitches get dumped in ditches. Then again, I don't think it would be worth killing someone over a weed charge or 2. Maybe when you're talking in 6 figures.
There is nothing worth taking a life over except for obvious shit like some asshole breakin into your house or fuckin with your ole lady or children,other than that though....................

I just have very little faith in "The other guy" in tight situations.


Well-Known Member

No im pretty confident in this kid...known him for 7 years now and we've never had a problem :peace:

I found out the kids that ratted on my friend also know my first name...not last.

Listen to this shit.

when the cop pulled my friend into the office the cop starting going on about how dangerous this stuff was. He said the weed he confiscated from the kids Was high grade marijuana straight from mexico and that it had many artificial red hairs and was sprayed with chemicals to effect its potency and give it the orange color it possessed. My friend hid his laughter behind deceiving eyes. The cop said the stuff was extremely dangerous and toxic.

If only he knew it was grown all organically by me hahahaha


New Member
Totally totally agree.:mrgreen: But not that I agree with violence. Just don't deal with the kid any more.
not worth it just to do HIM a favour.

Ya know?

I dunno about you guys, but when i was a little tot I remember my dad telling me ''loose lips sink ships'', ''snitches get stitches'' all that yada, And mom felt the same way.


Too many brownies
Totally totally agree.:mrgreen: But not that I agree with violence. Just don't deal with the kid any more.
not worth it just to do HIM a favour.

Ya know?

Its not even about doing him favors.

Hes an extremely close buddy almost like a brother...I didnt even know he was selling the stuff to kids at his school until this happened and he called me. There were a few times when he bought an 8th and it was gone the next day I was like...uhhhh


Active Member
ok guy im sorry if this sound stupid but ive been looking everywhere for some white widow so im looking for some1 in new york who could help me out maybe or hook me up

and an 8th is deffinetly not hard 2 smoke in a day ive smoked a quarter in 1 nite with some friends