Worse then spider mites...?


Active Member
So today i was taking pictures of my pretties when all of a sudden (while sober mite i add) i seen something dart from under a plant. Didint think to much of it cause i was so fixed on the plant itself. Then i seen something darker then the shadow on the floor, and i leaned down to take a closer look. Brown ass spider that was quick as shit. Stomped him once but he was kinda in a corner so i didnt kill him, then he ran out, and i got him again... but for some reason little bastered didnt die.

Im toking it up now bongsmilie and was pondering what you guys recomend for pest control. I work were i can pick almost any kind up and was deciding on probably getting "Safer" brand pest control spray on because its organic based and thats what the gardener recomends for not weed plants.


P.S. I know its not the best to kill the brown bastard; but this isnt my first time a bugs infultrated my space. First time was 100x weirder tho. A hornet in a enclosed (vents were closed, and the sides were just barlley lifted) rooting tray. He was easy to catch because i think he drank from the bowl of nutrient water i had in there. (water w/ dipping rockwool in a bowl of water, and was in the middle of it so i just put the bowl back in for like 10 min to do something)

Done rambling..


Well-Known Member
wow, i have never had problems with spiders but the pest i have add all went away quickly using fly trap that cost about 1 USD a piece. there like sticky pieces of paper curled up that you had from something.


New Member
I would let the spider live with the plant, it's going to keep your plant pest free for you. If he's camping out near it, you might have bugs already.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about a spider or a bee. Definately not worth treating your plants for. A spider is actually good. Let him set up a web or two around the plant for a free fly trap. The bee was probably a fluke. I dont see a problem here


Well-Known Member
Spiders are your friend. Why do people stomp them? Arachnophobia I guess.

Spiders won't hurt your plant at all, they only eat other insects so its all gooooooood.


Active Member
I detest spiders, but leave them in my room when i see them because they do eat bad bugs. However, if it was a BIG dude, I may have to catch and release..be afraid it might get me! ;-P