worst/best quality or habbit


Well-Known Member
and also, is it really an advantage, or is it a disadvantage... you/we have all these confusing thoughts... they go through life blindly... if ignorance is bliss, who is really ahead?? sometimes the more you know, the more you wish you hadnt known...
cant tell you how many times i've come back to that mantra "ignorance is bliss"

be right back, gotta make some food, hungry


ever find yourself thinking about the world and the people in it.... all of the experiences going on at one time and suddenly get overwhelmed with a feeling of taking on all of the world's emotions at once, good and bad?? hurts my soul... (only way i know how to convey this)


Well-Known Member
Alright, your thought and questions are so close to mine it's unreal.

I was thinking that when I started talking about human interaction.

Ahh wow, you have the same feeling I do, it would just break me, I couldn't handle it, I can't fathom how REAL that would be...damn, why are your thought so similar to mine.


Well-Known Member
I also think about the knowledge and stuff I collect & the amount of info in my small group, then I start thinking about everyone everywhere and it really puts things into perspective how vast everything is. It's another overhwhelming element.

Different cultures, people, etc...fascinates me.


Alright, your thought and questions are so close to mine it's unreal.

I was thinking that when I started talking about human interaction.

Ahh wow, you have the same feeling I do, it would just break me, I couldn't handle it, I can't fathom how REAL that would be...damn, why are your thought so similar to mine.

not would, i mean DOES... its as if i can feel others pain, saddness, accomplishments, dreams (realized or shattered), broken promises, broken hearts, violence, and the list goes on... i try to stay away from those moments, cause they are so painful... but at the same time, pain is a part of growth.....

i suppose we're like-minded individuals... i will now call you "friend"


I also think about the knowledge and stuff I collect & the amount of info in my small group, then I start thinking about everyone everywhere and it really puts things into perspective how vast everything is. It's another overhwhelming element.

Different cultures, people, etc...fascinates me.

like i said when we first started.. it gets to the point where just by looking at someones eyes, i have the urge to sit down and hear their life story.. no story should be untold; hence no man should be an island...


Well-Known Member
like i said when we first started.. it gets to the point where just by looking at someones eyes, i have the urge to sit down and hear their life story.. no story should be untold; hence no man should be an island...
This was one arguement I was trying to tell my friend. I don't necessarily look at someone as stupid or smart. Everyone has something to offer, and it's how you precieve it, it's either relevant or irrelevant to your situation, and we tend to dismiss things we don't agree with/ understand - i try to understand though, i'm stubborn sometimes

but then you could argue some people aren't as 'deep', 'educated','enlightened' whatever, but i think they're just different, doesn't mean they are less than/ better than, we just have to accept it.

hard to summarize my thought on that one, but i get where you're coming from

not to mention how that person became who they were, and why they are being left out, or other don't find their story interesting.


Well-Known Member
ever find yourself thinking about the world and the people in it.... all of the experiences going on at one time and suddenly get overwhelmed with a feeling of taking on all of the world's emotions at once, good and bad?? hurts my soul... (only way i know how to convey this)
Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about, the collective pain of humanity along with the undercurrent of love that drives all that is. If you allow it to flow the emotions are quite amazing.

not would, i mean DOES... its as if i can feel others pain, saddness, accomplishments, dreams (realized or shattered), broken promises, broken hearts, violence, and the list goes on... i try to stay away from those moments, cause they are so painful... but at the same time, pain is a part of growth.....

i suppose we're like-minded individuals... i will now call you "friend"
Empathy is a painful yet wonderous thing.

like i said when we first started.. it gets to the point where just by looking at someones eyes, i have the urge to sit down and hear their life story.. no story should be untold; hence no man should be an island...
Just look at the beauty around us all, the ocean that separates us is only an illusion.


This was one arguement I was trying to tell my friend. I don't necessarily look at someone as stupid or smart. Everyone has something to offer, and it's how you precieve it, it's either relevant or irrelevant to your situation, and we tend to dismiss things we don't agree with/ understand - i try to understand though, i'm stubborn sometimes

but then you could argue some people aren't as 'deep', 'educated','enlightened' whatever, but i think they're just different, doesn't mean they are less than/ better than, we just have to accept it.

hard to summarize my thought on that one, but i get where you're coming from

not to mention how that person became who they were, and why they are being left out, or other don't find their story interesting.

even non intelligent beings have something to offer, you just have to be willing to look and learn...


Well-Known Member
I can understand when I ask, "why" questions, that they say "i don't know", but it frustrates me. I want to understand them, but they can't convey it. It interests me, but they don't consider it a big deal - confuses me.

just realized how much we dominated this thread..like 10 pages back


Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about, the collective pain of humanity along with the undercurrent of love that drives all that is. If you allow it to flow the emotions are quite amazing.

Empathy is a painful yet wonderous thing.

Just look at the beauty around us all, the ocean that separates us is only an illusion.[/quote]

true there; you and i are no different from the preacher, the whore, or the murderer... just different decisions and philosphys


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about, the collective pain of humanity along with the undercurrent of love that drives all that is. If you allow it to flow the emotions are quite amazing.

Empathy is a painful yet wonderous thing.

Just look at the beauty around us all, the ocean that separates us is only an illusion.[/quote]

true there; you and i are no different from the preacher, the whore, or the murderer... just different decisions and philosphys
Pretty amazing huh? Its so cool how much peace this simple realization can bring.


I can understand when I ask, "why" questions, that they say "i don't know", but it frustrates me. I want to understand them, but they can't convey it. It interests me, but they don't consider it a big deal - confuses me.

people can be taught to convey and open themselves up, even if it is only to themselves ... that where the tripping "tour guide" idea comes into play... i would almost feed anyone a hit of acid as long as i was there to take the journey with them, cause yes, some people need a shepherd...

just realized how much we dominated this thread..like 10 pages back
set your settings higher.. i see 40posts a page, so we've only dominated 2 pages from what i see.... life is mostly perception any way


Well-Known Member
Ahh, I don't want to leave this discussion, this is one of the most thought provoking situations I've been in in quite a while, but unforutnately I don't think I can continue, I'm extremely tired. Mentally and physically (long day).

I apologize, but I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard, and I have another long day ahead.

G'nite to all of you who participated, it was a nice run, hopefully we can pick this back up very soon.




Ahh, I don't want to leave this discussion, this is one of the most thought provoking situations I've been in in quite a while, but unforutnately I don't think I can continue, I'm extremely tired. Mentally and physically (long day).

I apologize, but I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard, and I have another long day ahead.

G'nite to all of you who participated, it was a nice run, hopefully we can pick this back up very soon.



may your dreams continue your journey; good night:sleep: