Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member


That was like 5 second. I didn't even see a NIP! hahah

But, unless those 2 women were in some kind of FREAK seafood aisle accident, I think we all know what was happening in that picture...

SOOOOOooo many tentacles...so few holes...

EW. hahah
There was nothing wrong with it! There must be a mod on prude mode today! Lol


Well-Known Member

Well if I don't know what I'm doing wrong, how can I ever improoooooove me?


hahaha, jk!

I just looked at that picture again....and you can totally see a nipple. The mod must have been REALLY looking.

TEAM PERV has some new recruits!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jesus fuck!

Your poor vagina! hahaha

Would he let you dress it up?

I REALLY want to see one in a cape and wee mask, like a super hero.

Lol! My muller fruit corner loves it but tbh some positions really hurt. I think he likes it when I say "babe, can you make it smaller?" Definitely a lot bigger than KK's. Lol

I want to dress it up as an elephant truck. We shall see!


Well-Known Member
I liked the space man one the most. We need to get creative here!
FAk - my boyf is a pruuuuude.

I do have THE one. It's from an ex though, and I'd have to call him first and ask his permission. I wouldn't want to post something, even though no one will know, without his knowledge.


Well-Known Member
So dudes, and a very particular kind of woman are the naughty pic type.

I will send nip to ANYONE that recruits an actual RIU female member and gets them to participate.


Well-Known Member
There was nipple in it and I removed it
THANKS! You big Perv, you must have been REALLY LOOKING!


I honesty didn't even notice it. I was blinded by the tentacles. Can you believe that shit? I just heard about it last week from that Rapie mo fo Simba. Or Schlong. I don't know - the member who probably makes your spine tingly every time he likes one of your pictures...


Staff member
Please stop posting nudity or I will shut down your thread I told you a bit ago back what was acceptable and what isn't yet you continue to post nudity consider this a warning

I don't like sitting here deleting dick pics all day


Well-Known Member
Please stop posting nudity or I will shut down your thread I told you a bit ago back what was acceptable and what isn't yet you continue to post nudity consider this a warning

I don't like sitting here deleting dick pics all day
Ok but this time neither of us saw the nip on the side otherwise Yessi couldve edited it out. This one was a honest mistake and bewildered us until we rechecked it.

Well spotted Sunni!


Well-Known Member
Please stop posting nudity or I will shut down your thread I told you a bit ago back what was acceptable and what isn't yet you continue to post nudity consider this a warning

I don't like sitting here deleting dick pics all day
I'll behave!

Except, can I get like a couple free passes if alcohol is involved? Either that, or I'll just have to stop posting drunk.

EDIT: Once we get a point system down, then it will be all a ok. A picture that gets taken down will be awarded no points....and may gawd have mercy on your soul...


Seriously though @sunni , thanks - you've been great here. Knight in shining armour and all when the attacker came. I will try to be on my best behaviour. For YOU.


Well-Known Member

Now that's nasty.

@Snake Plisken , if you get my thread closed I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!

@Football, take that shit down please. And don't hold the innocent bystanders or myself responsible.

EDIT: Alright, cards on the table here. YOU (@Snake Plisken ) were Sheenis, weren't ya?

EDITER: I know I'm not a detective. Buuuuuut, my spider sense is tingling...
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Well-Known Member
Well, now I'm just going to recruit anyone I haven't seen the bits of yet.

@Indagrow , you have any pictures of your grossly misshapen hobbit bones? I assume you have some parts that have healed interestingly.

I am especially into Hands, but I'm not picky.