Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Well clearly you are NOT one of the Silents. Even if everyone wishes you were...haha.

View count: 103

I guess the descriptive words helped.

Thats YOU? Sweet, nice foliage.
Well clearly you are NOT one of the Silents. Even if everyone wishes you were...haha.

this is where i switched of ;)
lmao! yes if it works, otherwise no.
ok i always wondered... that used to be my approach too. never really had the patience for spittin at girls. i found "hey, show me ur titties" or "hey, can i finger u?" to be way more effective than telln a girl what she wanted to hear. but as i got older, i looked back on my coochcount and started to wonder if it would be higher or lower had i utilized the mouthpiece a lil more rather than subliminally tellin a gurl i think youre slutty
ok i always wondered... that used to be my approach too. never really had the patience for spittin at girls. i found "hey, show me ur titties" or "hey, can i finger u?" to be way more effective than telln a girl what she wanted to hear. but as i got older, i looked back on my coochcount and started to wonder if it would be higher or lower had i utilized the mouthpiece a lil more rather than subliminally tellin a gurl i think youre slutty

i've always been a man about quality over quantity. that being sad, i've smashed a lot of hips in my life so far with little sign of stopping. i still have the ability to lay pipe 3+ times a day, though i hardly do that anymore... my poor back gives out! lol.

i love women, i love the curve of the breasts and hips, and i love they way they moan when im beatin that pussy.
i've always been a man about quality over quantity. that being sad, i've smashed a lot of hips in my life so far with little sign of stopping. i still have the ability to lay pipe 3+ times a day, though i hardly do that anymore... my poor back gives out! lol.

i love women, i love the curve of the breasts and hips, and i love they way they moan when im beatin that pussy.
couldnt agree more

well said sir
I knew better & skipped to the end , your not that kinda gal :)

Yrs back we had this nutty woman who emailed a bunch of us fully nude pics of herself including a Hustler type money shot , she had a thing for Fdd2blk & wanted sooooo badly to be a moderator , cant remember her name but she was a handfull .
Are you talking about Lucky, I think that was her name or on her avatar. She was very annoying and badly wanted to be a mod. I remember she begged for it. I didn't post in TnT that much back then. I stayed to the growing sections but I read a lot of TnT to get a good laugh though, I was mostly a lurker. Now I don't leave TnT, I spend 40+ hours a week with plants so I don't wanna talk about them too.
The funny thing about see4 is that hed book a plane ticket and fly up there, i know him, hes as crazy as they get, well crazy in a noninsane kinda way. Me on the other hand, i have two buckets of bones in my garage i dont know what to do with. Im thinking wind chimes that go clunk clunk, instead of bing bing.
some girls are into that shit... my girl loves bones, but only the kind that go schlop schlop
Are you talking about Lucky, I think that was her name or on her avatar. She was very annoying and badly wanted to be a mod. I remember she begged for it. I didn't post in TnT that much back then. I stayed to the growing sections but I read a lot of TnT to get a good laugh though, I was mostly a lurker. Now I don't leave TnT, I spend 40+ hours a week with plants so I don't wanna talk about them too.
I love helping out the new fuckers with their plants. Idk, i feel its like a public service or some crap. Makes me feel better helping i guess. I thought lucky was a guy? Or at least buck always said that lol.