Worst drug ever

I personally won't eat or do anything that doesn't come from the earth, that being said, I'm purely speculating but I'd have to say the worst drugs on earth are crack, heroin, and most recently meth. Seriously meth has taken over a good deal of this country. Its really not an issue where I live (gays do it) I always thought it was a "gay drug", but it seems like a lot of normal folks are using it. By normal I mean mom and pops type (I'm not saying gays aren't normal).
I personally won't eat or do anything that doesn't come from the earth, that being said, I'm purely speculating but I'd have to say the worst drugs on earth are crack, heroin, and most recently meth. Seriously meth has taken over a good deal of this country. It really not an issue where I live (gays do it) I always thought it was a "gay drug", but it seems like a lot of normal folks are using it. By normal I mean mom and pops type (I'm not saying gays aren't normal).
gays arent normal
i said it before and ill say it again, its the abuse of any drug that is the worst, even our favourable little herb, to much still has bad effects... dont in any way think im comparing this to meth pcp or harry... imho every drug has its place, some just arnt for most people shit u wanna go into fucked up stories 2 chicks sat on a beach and ate sand untill they died thinking it was sugar... and that was on datura, other people dont have bad effects and enjoy the shit, each to their own, i enjoy acid the occation bit of MDA and MDMA and a bit of gas every now and then, these drugs suit me and i enjoy them, others dont, people just need to remember to always do the drug and dont let the drug do you
Google Jenkem its the worst
In personal opinion not by study. I think it's heroin. What do you think it is?

Id go with heroin too. For me its because Ive heared of heroin killing a lot of famous musicians. Its sad how people will just say oh he does heroin well thats okay hes a musician its still not ok the only difference is its destroying somebody more talented.
I wouldnt say jenkem is the worst, its just the stupidest. IMO I would have to say herion and crack would tie. I know kids who have done cocaine and yeah it was addicting and expensive but its not the worst. Also alcohol is pretty bad for some people. My friend had alcohol poisening this past summer and was horrible.
id take all of the others in one sitting just not to have to have any jenkem

havent these kids heard of sniffing paint or huffing fuel??

shit my 9 month addiction to LPG would of been better than 2 hits of that shit.... what some poeple will do just to get off
Google Jenkem its the worst

LOL this have been confirmed fake. What is funny is that kids saw this floating on the internet and tried to get high doing this. It actually works only because it makes you so light headed from the smell and lack of oxygen...
"All subjects who used Jenkem disliked the taste of sewage in their mouth and the fact that the taste continued for a few days"

--DIS-FUCKING-GUSTING!!! I would say thank god it's fake--except kids DID try it!!! I bet they had a "shitty" high too, lol!! If I saw someone doin this I would NOT hand them one of my perfectly good fecal free joints-- I would tell them they have 'shit for brains' and then I'd puke.
Jenkem is just dumb. Anyone that dumb deserves to have "I do Jenkem" tattooed on their forehead and everyone should be given the right to beat them into the ground in public places.

As for this thread, I think we need some kind of criteria to rate drugs. If it's for the most dangerous to society as a whole I'd say alcohol. If it's for the most dangerous to the user I'd say Krank.
Crack and meth,herion is defenatly not to be used recreationaly,that leads to a fucked up life,I know Ive been on oxycontin since1998

Yeah, but the first three you mentioned are illegal..

Even more fucked up thing is Oxycontin is prescribed from your damn doctor. That's one thing that totally fucks me up is that shit they put out there in pill bottles is the same damn thing that you'd get from a dealer.

I would say it's a "hill billy" drug if you get it cheap\ and or prescribed...
Not too mention those oxy's can be sold up too the milligram! But then again if someone is withdrawing from Heroin & they got money those go for a lot.

It's more money the government can't tax, & if they knew what they were doing then Oxycontin wouldn't be around.
(I'm sure they know)
Unless they have already realized what domino affect they started on citizens.

Who ever takes that garbage is seems to me they are just waiting to get fucked.