worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
No the question remains..worst drug. I've had pot to bad things to me(bad taste,burn my lip,ect..)..so that's a different forum as far as I'm concerned...


Active Member
I absolutely Love shrooms but once made the horrible mistake of taking all of the shake from the bottom of a pound and mixing it in with a huge blunt. Saw demons coming out of the campfire coals. Scary.


Well-Known Member
Really? Because heat destroys psilocin to the point it doesn't work...did u eat any also? Not trying to insult you,but reallly,smoking mushrooms doesn't work...


Well-Known Member
Watching your friends ceiling become liquid isn't fun to you?

Totally agree with the caveat of heroin. I know why people love it, but I puked my dick off the one time I tried it. If you like it thats all you. I enjoyed none of it.
Why the fuck would you try heroin? Honestly, some people on this forum truly amaze me. Bud is one thing, but why would any one want to do some of this shit...


Well-Known Member
BB..bud threads are that away -----},this is an 'anything other than pot' thread...I don't condone heroin use,but knowledge is power,and sharing a bad experience may prevent others from experimenting,and ultimately may save lives....


Well-Known Member
What's kw? And inceneration starts @260degrees...I feel any bowl,joint,blunt that is burning will be higher than 260..and that temp is relative to the substance heated..burning occurs at different temps with different substances..I'm no scientist or chemist,I just know this from cooking food for 20years in a restaurant. There possibly could be mild effects from ingesting shrooms through smoking,but I don't think it would lead to seeing demons..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
wasn't doubting you just cant recall the exact temp that psilocybin becomes inert...i know it is very low for lsd


Well-Known Member
Wasn't implying you were doubtin...I can't recall exact ANYTHING..LOL....mr e duck would know most likely the temp..if not hell find out..regardless I feel that smoking em would be a waste..


Ursus marijanus
Wasn't implying you were doubtin...I can't recall exact ANYTHING..LOL....mr e duck would know most likely the temp..if not hell find out..regardless I feel that smoking em would be a waste..
Psilocybin would simply char. Psilocin free base might be smokable, but i never had the balls to give it a go. cn


Ursus marijanus
Bonghits of 4aco? Would it be a dmt effect? I know it has to metabolize to be come psilocin...
That's what I would try, but I'd try a vape before a bong. Indoles scorch easily. I suspect the acetate would have psychedelic effects of its own, but it'll quickly by hydrolyzed in vivo to psilocin. Fwiw. cn


Active Member
Had a chemist dealer that was a welcanol addict and sold stuff to be able to afford his addiction.

He gave us each a cocktail of pills one night.

I tripped over a bouncer and got kicked out of a club, lost all my friends (we all did), ended up wondering around the city aimlessly and highly frustrated as I could not concentrate to find my way anywhere I knew then ended up at a friends house somehow and puked all over his front door then passed out in his bath.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't implying you were doubtin...I can't recall exact ANYTHING..LOL....mr e duck would know most likely the temp..if not hell find out..regardless I feel that smoking em would be a waste..
I'm not sure what temp it decomposes at. I agree with cannabineer that freebase psilocin could probably be vaped, but I'm not about to try it.


Active Member
Have to say acid

I never really got the full experience with acid but pretty early into my trip I got stuck in a closet chasing something I can't remember what, couldn't get out and ended up passing out from being scared.