Worst Landlord Ever!!!


Well-Known Member
I already emailed him. It's not even a valid email. Anyone who uses craigslist knows it's a fake because it was posted in the R&R section and not the housing area.


Well-Known Member
no exercising in the exercise yard god dammit!
do they pat you down and check for shanks before you enter the yard?
lol they dont have to, they already patted you down before you went into your house, in addition to the random searches. its all for your own safety. hahahaha! religious zealots are bad, mmkay?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah,and that's because you can't punch anyone without being sued.All these kind of people really want is a good beating.They're crying out for it.It's our duty to help them and give them want they want.
people like this are everywhere... sadly:sad:


Well-Known Member
INSPECTIONS: The Landlord will conduct unannounced inspections to ensure
that these rules and regulations are being followed.
VISITATION: Visitation periods will be on Saturdays and Sundays from
1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. All visitors and their vehicles are subject
to search while on landlord property. Refusal to allow a search can
result in their being barred from all future visitation privileges. All
visitors must sign the Visitor's Log. Unauthorized visitors will be
escorted from the property, and the tenant will be fined $250.00.
My God I lived in the Dorms and it wasn't that strict.

I'd never live there I'd be like fuck you bitch I pay rent here and I am grown.

Two hours on saturday and she can search my shit.

I can't even think of the most devout christian I know who'd put up with that.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

He must have gotten butt-fucked with a 14" dildo
to be acting like that!!!!

anywho, I don't understand why he is an asshole.
I like going on craigslist to look at pics of possible
rooms I could rent from people. This guy is just crazy.
I'd bake him some chronic brownies and when he's
all fucked up from brownies, I'd break all the rules.
Just to be an ass.


Well-Known Member
Here is the correspondance I had with the author of that posting:

Haha, I did not write that post I was responding to it, but glad to know sombody agrees with me. Its true there are far more important things for the police to be dealing with.

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 18:40:22 -0800
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Reporting Crimes is Everyone's Responsibility

** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html

I saw your posting on craigslist, and I have to ask: what reason do you have to report people to the police for harmless activities done in the privacy of their home? I can side with you in your call against taggers and loud parties, they create unsightly messes and disturbances late into the night, but what have a few kids sharing some beers ever done to you? What about someone smoking a joint on their porch, or in their backyard? True, they are breaking the law, but if there's no harm to you, what cause do you have to prosecute?


this message was remailed to you via: [email protected]
so really? that posting was on our side.