Worth it with floru?

Hey i just wanted to say hi and i hope you guys can help me out.

My grow room is 5x3x3 and i want to grow 1-3 plants. I know fluorescents aren't the best but i have 4 4' 40 watt fluorescents. Will this be enough light to produce buds? I know HPS or another system would be better but i'm low on cash.

Also could you guestimate how much that would cost? certainely not more than $20 a month i would hope

I am germinating bag seeds right now but i can get a good clone. I am just thinking i might want to try a round that won't cost me anything.


Active Member
Use the fluro's along with a couple of CFL's for vegg and try to save up for a HPS in the meantime. If the the Fluro's are daylight you'll have problems inducing flowering. It's a good investment believe me.


Active Member
It might not cost anything to flower under those, but it won't produce much either. Definitely not enough to justify 3 months of grow. If you can swing $30 or so, you can get some clamp lights from Home depot and some 6500k cfl's to start veg. You can get a 150w hps for under 75 bucks that will at least give you a yield worth speaking of. If that's out of reach, squeeze another 30 bucks or so and add some 2700k cfls to the mix and flower under all of them.

Wanna Learn

With only 4 40w bulbs you won't get much, but yeah you can do it. Start with that, keep the lights close and start saving your money. You can go to Walmart and get a 10" fixture for CFLs, they're only $10. Get a coouple, and use them for now with some 6500K bulbs, then when your ready you can switch them out for some 2700K 42w bulbs. This will help, but you'll still only get a little. So save what you can and go HPS. And yeah with fluoros, you'll only see about a $10-20 increase in your elec. bill.