Worth Making a Box?


Well-Known Member
I have everything I need for making a stealth/ grow box (Im a carpenter), but really like the accessibility of my current closet grow.

The reasons I would want a box though are:
1. Pesky friends, and even brother always curious what those lights are.
2. I could lock the box
3. No light leak, needed for flowering here in a few weeks

The main reason I am asking this is because my temperatures are getting to be a problem, plant damage and the room is just always stuffy. Anyone got some input?


Well-Known Member
Should have added,

The reason Im thinking a box would help with the temp issues is, its an isolated area with less air volume to keep cool, thus making it easier to keep cool. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
What size box do you want to make? What type of lamp/s do you use ie: LED, CFL, MH, HPS, MERCURY, T-9, PLASMA etc etc ?? and how many plants do you wish to house? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Should have added,

The reason Im thinking a box would help with the temp issues is, its an isolated area with less air volume to keep cool, thus making it easier to keep cool. Make sense?
It makes sense :) .. You could always upgrade your fan/s in your current area if you wished to keep your original cupboard? - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
If someones already wondering about what you got... you got problems already. People that got no chronic, act like its crack! i say build a box, and lock it up with a camera at the door. Preferable is a basement that noone knows you have, or a room off to the side with a false wall. Regardless, if you cant handle your temps, somethings gna have to change. I think a smaller room would get hotter however, so you need to handle your exhaust air differently whether you make a new box or not. All i can verify is that a 4x4 room w/a 1000watt and a 560cfm exhaust, gets hotter than the same setup in a 10x10' room. Best of luck to ya


Well-Known Member
Shanus is right friend! the paranoia already begins! you're feeling it right? Make sure to get proper charcoal filters for your space

Dr. Bigbud

Well-Known Member
I think it depends how big your lights are. usually I have seen stealth boxes for smaller grows like 250W or less. You could go bigger but then having addequate ventilation becomes an issue. Airflow through a box is usually a bit noisy but if you dont mind the slight noise the other benefits make the box worth it. Having an area that is completely light proof is very important during flowering and also locking the box is very importants to prevent unwanted guests. I would say go for it.


Well-Known Member
The only person that really knows is my brother, just dont want the light leaking... so no worries there really

Its a CFL grow with about 6 20w now and Im trying to keep it to a minimal 2-3 plants per grow. All in soil and pots

The largest size box I could build would be a 3'h x 3'l x 2'w

And as far as noise goes, thats not a problem at all.

Thanks for the quick replies guys!


Well-Known Member
The only person that really knows is my brother, just dont want the light leaking... so no worries there really

Its a CFL grow with about 6 20w now and Im trying to keep it to a minimal 2-3 plants per grow. All in soil and pots

The largest size box I could build would be a 3'h x 3'l x 2'w

And as far as noise goes, thats not a problem at all.

Thanks for the quick replies guys!
Have you considered a 125W Envirolite with a couple of 20W CFL's for side lighting? .. Just a thought :) under the lighting you have at the moment I'd say 1 or 2 small plants max! Soil is easy enough to deal with (no bubbles like Hydro), I am just finishing off a box/mini stealth cab for a mate, I can post a pic if thats cool? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

This was an old kitchen cupboard, and with a little adjustment could be comfortable running CFL, LED, or even 150W HPS, 250-with a push :) it can grow 2 plants in it but Ive only put a shelf for one plant in... Is this the sort of thing you're after? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man post any pics that could help me out. And I am planning on getting some bigger bulbs this week.

Back to the original question, do yall think it would be beneficial to make a box to help with my heat issues? I walk in the room and its stuffy and pretty dern warm.

The plant suffering most from the heat. Dry, curled leaves and almost brittle but no yellowing.

And the grow area. The height really isnt an issue (8ft ceilings), but im mainly confined to length and depth/width


Well-Known Member
Yeah man post any pics that could help me out. And I am planning on getting some bigger bulbs this week.

Back to the original question, do yall think it would be beneficial to make a box to help with my heat issues? I walk in the room and its stuffy and pretty dern warm.

The plant suffering most from the heat. Dry, curled leaves and almost brittle but no yellowing.
View attachment 1601704

And the grow area. The height really isnt an issue (8ft ceilings), but im mainly confined to length and depth/width
View attachment 1601706

Looking at your current setup, either a bit of decorating :) and new equipment.. or most defo. do the box whats your budget? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm missing it, but I do not see any provisions for exhaust or intake. Without them it will fail, box or no box.


Well-Known Member
Budget for a box isn't really needed. I have wood, power tools, all that good stuff (Carpenter by trade :D)

And thats what I really meant for my original question Unity... What would be a cheap/ easy/ not having to cut up my drywall, way to get some intake/ exhaust going on


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm missing it, but I do not see any provisions for exhaust or intake. Without them it will fail, box or no box.
I was going to mention that :) Yeah you need an air in as well as an air out vent to push/pull the air in and out of your grow space, this will lower the temp of your room as well as keep the humidity lower, You'll need to do this in the box also - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Budget for a box isn't really needed. I have wood, power tools, all that good stuff (Carpenter by trade :D)

And thats what I really meant for my original question Unity... What would be a cheap/ easy/ not having to cut up my drywall, way to get some intake/ exhaust going on
You'll need CPU fans, a multi power transformer plug, possible new lighting, odor control, and I am guessing nuits too? Yeah cutting into drywall is a scary thing to do when its your 1st time :) are you any good at drawing? I mean we could throw some ideas back n forth :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Budget for a box isn't really needed. I have wood, power tools, all that good stuff (Carpenter by trade :D)

And thats what I really meant for my original question Unity... What would be a cheap/ easy/ not having to cut up my drywall, way to get some intake/ exhaust going on
I said provision as in incorporation into the building design, not budget as in money ;) Without a hole you can't play bro, you will end up with a sickly grow and the humidity of a rain forest along with some yummy mold.