WoS: Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto Flowering DWC Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, so i'm starting this journal kind of late, but late is better than never and its just starting to get the the best part too. So here's the scenario. Im doing a grow in a closet, I started the seeds on August 6th, with all 9 plants being Northern Lights x Big Bud Autoflowering. I had a few complications along the way. Early on when i had the seeds in the humidity dome I had it on a little table and left the door to my closet open. Well my dog decided to walk in there an hour before i had to go to work, and knock everything over. I mean all my plants were on the ground, hydroton everywhere and plants on the ground, and the worst part was one plant was almost snapped in half, so i had to band aid it and its been a slow grower this whole time. Also, i didnt have flanges for my hood for a little bit, so when i got them i ended up installing the air ducting with some plants still in the room and the ducting ended up falling and snapping another plant in half. That plant lagged behind for a while but its pretty much with the others now.

But as you can see here my plants are starting the get too tall for the light, or well they have been for a while, because just the other day i raised the light up as much as I could. I hope they dont have too much more vertical growth in em.



Well-Known Member
Hey back again today, I took some individual plant pictures today so i could show you what I mean with my runts.

Here are the two little ones,

So as you can see those two plants are a lot smaller than the rest of my plants, kinda sucks but at least they're still growing though.

The Plant below, I don't know what happened on the edges of some of those leaves, it has just been starting within the past two days i think it might be due to the plants touching the light.

This guy here is probably the best looking one of the group.

And as you can see some of the buds on it are coming in pretty good now, but the ends of some hairs are brown or red-ish, i think its burning from the light.




Active Member
The girls are gorgeous bro. Best advice I can give you to try and keep them away from the light is to start super cropping them which involves bending the branches a bit, im sure there is a thread that explains in detail if you dont know about it. It's a temporary fix, but it will help for now and result in a larger yield.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that i should be doing that at this point in flowering? I started them on august 6th, and i mean some of the larger plants are just starting to form some buds, like little premature nugs. And yea the plants were touching the light the other day so i did all i could to raise the light, and i got it so it was a good 3 inches above the buds, but then within 2 days the plants had already grown back to touching the light ha. I have a pretty god size fan cooling my light and the glass is kind of just warm to the touch, like i can leave my hand directly below the bulb and i dont feel any burning, just warmth.


Well-Known Member
Gotta question. You monster cropping or FIM? In thje one pic the leaves are yellowing on the edge and looks more like a nute or ph problem. Sheesh I hope your plants stop growing taller when you start flower cuz you are headed for trouble if they dont... good luck bro, overall look excellent


Well-Known Member
Ha well theyre autoflowering plants and the package said like 65 or 70 days but i knew that that wasnt gonna be the case, i found someone elses jorunal and he ended up having the plants take 92 days, so that puts me in like 6 weeks, im gonna end up going out tomorrow and picking up a smaller hood so i can hang it up higher, itll be crappier light reflection but gotta do to get as much height in the room as i can


Well-Known Member
Went out and got myself a new, smaller hood, and I got a lot more room in the closet now. Im just hoping they'll have enough room now and will be good to finish with this set up.




Well-Known Member
Damn that's lucky, but ive been changing my nutes and pH'ing them every other day and i wanted to stay on that schedule, and plus i dropped it in the water hen i was only two plants into my nute change the last time and had to guess at pHing them, thankfully i was using the same nute ratio ive been using and was pretty familiar with how much pH i needed, and i also had some pool test strips that worked for pH's down to 6.2 haha, so that helped a little bit. But yea i changed nutes on the 10th and went to pH them today. I ended up pHing like normal and all of the plants besides the behemoth one thats furthest along. Its bucket was fairly low on water and the water looked completely depleted of nutes, so I decided to give it a nute change, hoping for it to just keep on trucking along


Well-Known Member
So my buddy came over and we were chillin smokin and talkin about my plants, hes the person i did my last grow with and we had great results, but now im alone and kinda slipped up, he told me ive basically had my plants in straight water, and its true, because when i first put my seedling into the DWC system after they had roots in the net pots, I started em off with very little nutes (1/4 of recommended) and sloly kept increasing, well I ended not increasing the nutes enough by a long shot, i was giving them 10ml micro 20 ml bloom, and i was giving them that up until about a week ago when my buddy came over, im an idiot and now im giving them 30 ml micro and 60 ml bloom, and plan on changing it to 15 ml micro 100ml bloom cause theyre monsters height wise now, and i want them to just focus on buds.


Well-Known Member
So i picked up a microscope the other day and have been checking out all the triches on the plants, and they're all there, with beads on the end, and most of them are cloudy, i'd say about 65-75% cloudy, when i checked them today i could've sworn i saw a few amber trichomes, all my plants seem to be at very different stages of their cycle, which is leading me to never to autos again haha, if you look down at the pictures though, the plant in the front center is just a super small, not far along in flowering, plant. And I ended up just cutting down one of the plants a few weeks ago, because it was so small and far behind.
But among those bad things, some of these plants are killing it.

This first plant has the monster nug, and a couple other larger colas.

But on the other side of the front row, this plant which has been half under the carbon filter, had three or four stalks shoot up right on the outside of the filter, and although they seemed to take longer to form the nugs, they seem to be right on time with the few other plants that are close to harvest, if not the furthest along on top. And the nugs that it formed turned out to be some rock hard nugs. I cant wiat to see them when theyre all cured. Weird angle camera shot sorry.

Theres the plant thats stuffed in the back right corner, having to grow sort of on an angle to to the stairs :? but it still managed to form a few nice nugs like this one

And heres the plant thats in the center/back left, and its the one that i took the purple shot of the other day.



Weird, huh? You have to wonder what happens to these people. How many people have started grow journals and then...mysteriously...disappeared?

Is the fuzz waiting until the operation is complete before they swoop in, or something?