Would anybody do this?


Active Member
Hey all just wanted to share with this awesome community that I've started my own grow series on YouTube. I'm very new as a content creator so suggestions and comments would be most appreciated. Anything you guys would like to see? Anything anyone would like me to try during a grow as an experiment? Please stop by and give me some constructive criticism on what i could do to improve my overall content. Thank you very much for your time. Happy Growing!
Cool; will check it out! Good luck!

One of my favorite things from growers on YouTube is experiment videos. For example:
For some reason it wouldn't show my signature on mobile so I posted the link to my channel. Thanks to everyone willing to check it out.
Hey man! Here is a tip, make a bunch of content ... promote it later so that way when we people check it out they have some content to consume. ;)
Thats a great idea! I just get really excited about things and want to spread the word lol. I have added a couple more videos to the channel with at least one more to drop today. After that i think ill do once a week updates and hope the channel blossoms. Thanks again for the advice!