Would choice would you have picked


Well-Known Member
Never in a million years. Stripped me of my ability to enjoy many normal activities, way back in the mid-60's . . . at least Herb's who I blame, but isn't the only prick involved.

That said, I'm sure enjoying the heavier use I've been afforded as an old fart. Makes retirement bearable and growing it gives me something to do, and be quite proud of.


Active Member
wish i could go back i was one of the few kids in grd 8-9 that smoked on top of that i was chopping to dudes in grd 11-12 people would give my girlfriend a hard time she stopped talking to alot of her friends cause they didnt like me smoking(she didnt either)
at the end of grd 9 ilost her and every other friend i had except the kids who smoked hung around with them for a while untill ilost every single of one of them to coke at the begging of grd11


Well-Known Member
I wish I didn't smoke it so early (right before 9th grade) would've had alot more money to put into my first grow.
but other than that wouldn't change it for shit:D

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't regret it one bit.I'm glad I started on it.It opened my mind, calmed me down, and cures my headaches.Marijuana is awesome.


Well-Known Member
I dont regret it at all..
I love the way it can relax me from stress,
and how it makes my brain work.

Its a miracle.


New Member
If I said that I wish I had never started smoking then I would be saying that I wish I wasn't myself ... If I didn't want to smoke, I would quit. lol ya'll talk about it as if it's a life sentence. Money is an issue in a way ... but then in the end I don't care about how much money I waste... Cuz it is just money and I'm happy and if I wasn't spending it on ganj I would be spending it on something else...:D Plus I'm gonna try to grow again soon so it's always assuring to know that the thing I love most grows out of the ground.


Well-Known Member
I wish i didnt start smoking my freshmen year (grade 9), because all i did my first year of highschool was get drunk alot and smoke alot of weed with alot of older kids, because i thought i was sweet. Thinking about this makes me wish i didnt do it and waited alittle longer because it effected my grades in school alot, but the more i got into highschool the less i learned that i rather smoke pot then drink and that i rather smoke moderatly then every second of my life, because being high isnt everything to me, i mean i love it, because it takes me away from everything and lets me think about my life, but to answer the question i really dont regret smoking weed, i just regret starting so young when i was dumb.


New Member
I started smoking in 9th grade too and I did drop out...But I can't really bring myself to blame the weed for it anymore. I always hated school ... The weed just gave me that little push of 'I don't give a shit' to make me drop out.. It's not like weed is my whole life now, but it was when I first started because everything I do that I like I usually go overboard with.. If that makes sense. So where I am now is a consequence of my own character, not the herb itself. Life goes on and I enjoy every minute of it.


Active Member
I started smoking in 9th grade too and I did drop out...But I can't really bring myself to blame the weed for it anymore. I always hated school ... The weed just gave me that little push of 'I don't give a shit' to make me drop out.. It's not like weed is my whole life now, but it was when I first started because everything I do that I like I usually go overboard with.. If that makes sense. So where I am now is a consequence of my own character, not the herb itself. Life goes on and I enjoy every minute of it.

yea ive always hated school and ihave add it was nearly impossible for me to sit in a room wit 40 kids for an hour once idiscovered weed school was all over before it even started man i use to love tokin up at 830am in the mornin 10 mins before my first class:-P

Willie North

Well-Known Member
meh weed is give and take
if I could go back to grade 9 I dont think I would have ever started
dont get me wrong I love weed but it sure as hell dose cost a lot


Well-Known Member
I wish i hadn't started smoking it as early as i did. Like mane said.

It kinda put me on the wrong track, mixing with the wrong people and such..

I mostly blame alcohol for the life i have now though.



Well-Known Member
I don't think i'd change a thing, i didn't smoke that much in high school... i just had too much shit going on but after i got outta the Army it's been smoke on since and i wouldn't change for the world:weed:


Well-Known Member
I wish I started sooner. First time I tried it I was 21. Didn't do it again until I was 23.

Heavy use started when I was 24. I never want to go back.