Would i be able to...


Active Member
Would i be able to get some yield from 11w blue cfl and 23w red cfl,if not will i be able to veg with this setup for few months more untill i get real lights?:leaf:


Active Member
Hell no.. lol I mean like 1 or 2 bowl packs at most. U need way more WATTSS then 33 lmao! i have 1 bulb thats more then 35 watts so that should tell u something right there. If ur gonna just grow one plant i would say 150-200 Watts is pretty good IMO.. Im a beginner as well im growing my 1st plant and its almost ready to be Harvested. I have 6 bulbs all ranging from 35-45 watts. thats roughly like 200-235 watts of light. And also make sure when ur in Veg go for at least 5500k-6500k Light Spectrum. When in flower get 2500k and toss in 1-2 5500-6500ks :D hope that helps some :joint:


Active Member
ye i know i had like 300 watts of CFL's but they broke so this is what i got,i ordered more high watter cfl's so yea just asking..thanks anyway,so youre saying i wouldnt be able to veg them with this setup for couple of months and then just add like 200 watts more of mixed spectrum cfls?