Would it be possible to...


so im going to be harvesting in a couple of weeks and i notice how my plants just started busting buds at the bottom. what i was wondering is, what do i do when my top bud on my plants are ready and the bottom are not?

i didnt top or use nutes or anything. first grow all natural. my yeild wont be big though.

but if i was to cut the stems and stuff on the top off and let the bottom ones keep growing, would that work? or should i just harvest them all together?

thanks in advance

(if you want pics just tell me)


New Member
Perfectly acceptable. Progressive harvesting is common practice. Those lower nugs wont put on much more bulk but will definately gain potency when allowed to finish..


i see.. okay, im going to do it! and how would i go about doing it guys?

as said above, should i just pluck the buds off? like what im thinking is taking the bud stem part off from the ready-to-harvest buds and leave all fan leaves on. so the upper part will be nothing but the main trunk and fan leaves. oh yea, i also didnt top my plant, its tall and skinny.

sorry for all the stupid details and questions, i just want to get it perfect and know all information so i can do it with ease and help out my fellow mates.

Pat Man

Active Member
very much agree with "watchhowIdoit" this is very common and not risky like the first 2 posts portray. you can go ahead and cut everything off except for the lower buds including fan leaves and even stems above the buds you are leaving. Cutting branches won't effect the growth of other parts of the plant especially this far into your grow. I LST and pull many different parts of the plant off during veg. and it only has positive effects on what is left.

*tip: I was told this by a fellow growing friend who has more experience than me and has experimented with fan leaves. He stated that fan leaves are there just to start growth (if you noticed for every bud spot there is a fan leaf under it that collects light energy). He took one fan leaf off 1 side of the node and left the other on the other side and it had no profound effects on the growth of either, the buds grew the same. So as far as fan leaves go I start ripping them off throughout flowering starting from the bottom as they turn yellow and die off. This also exposes the bud to more light which is definitely good.