Would it be unusual if life is unusual


Active Member
As speculation, I can't fault the idea. Science has some catch-up to do before we have a good handle on what the preconditions are for a planetary surface to evolve life. We need to know that in order to assign probabilities, to fill in some terms in that ugly bit of blue-sky beer talk that is the Drake equation. cn
Yep. I say if we find other life in our solar system, I would think it extremely plausible for lid to exist through out the universe.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Why would nasa not tell us? I don't understand what motive, or ulterior motive you think they would have. I would expect them to shout it from the fucking roof tops. You know what would be great news if you worked at nasa, or anything field related? Finding a great discovery out in space. Scientists would be killing each other to take credit for such a find.

Also no, we will never be able to travel that far. It's not about technology barriers, it's about physical barriers of the universe.


Ursus marijanus
Never is a long time, Guy. My current "best guess" for interstellar colonization has us (or what comes after us) doing it at one per cent of c, or even more slowly. cn


Active Member
Guy, believing that physics and our relationship with it is at a halt, doesn't really seem possible. Remember at one point in history not too long ago, gravity was an attraction to object, which we now no is not true


Active Member
your face is unusual

sorry I have this on going war with my brother ... saying "your face is..." inside joke.
*does the walk out shame out of the room*


Scientist may be hesitant to "shout" out that they have found new life, because of the repercussions it may cause on the world as we know it today.
If people knew that there WAS life on another planet, the world would change almost immediately.
The way people think would instantly be transformed, religion would almost become non-existent.
Trust me, there are plenty of reasons "WHY" they wouldn't just say they found life.
Although, if they found another planet that was possible to live on, they may shout that out.

As far as life being out there beyond us? VERY POSSIBLE, almost MORE possible then IMPOSSIBLE.
Remember, it is idiotic to NOT believe in something JUST BECAUSE you can't see it.
Age old quote.

The fact of the matter is, for all we know, & pretty much what we all believe, is space is infinite.
Thus why it's called SPACE.
To think that WE are the ONLY living creatures in this INFINITE amount of SPACE seems more impossible then possible.
There is literally TRILLIONS of planets out there with TRILLIONS of galaxies, not even trillion, so many we don't even have a number for it.
Tell me how we were so lucky to be the ONLY ones?

It's not impossible to say were the only ones, but very unlikely.