Would it go to flowering stage?


Active Member
Hey! I have a question

I'm growing two plants which are not quite big and they'll have to go to flowering soon
But thw problem is that i had a very weak light so i grew them wery close to the light and i noticed the bottom leaves turning yellow because they weren't getting enough light

So now i'll have to switch to 12/12 and probabbly add one more bulb ( i suspect that it needs a bit more light in flowering stage) ... But i dont even know if the plant would even go to flowering if it would get 12/12 of light but at the same time 2two times stronger light

Thanks for the answers


Well-Known Member
what type of lights are you using?

that pic was at three weeks, or three weeks ago?

do you have any new ones?


Active Member
I use 25W CLF and i added one more at the same time that i switched from 24/7 to 12/12
And i'm concerned that it wont go to flowering
( i'll post pics soon)


Well-Known Member
It'll go into flowering as long as you keep it at 12/12 no matter what light you use or don't use. Your problem is that you're gonna have really little buds that are not dense and basically you are wasting your time using those two small bulbs. You need to upgrade your lighting setup ASAP or I'm telling you you will regret it. The three commandments to growing quality cannabis are: Have 1. good air circulation 2. have good nutrients, and 3. have GREAT lighting. You have to have that or you won't be happy with your results. Out of those three things, lighting I think is the most important though because that is how your plants get the energy they need to carry out the processes that facilitate bud making. You can have great nutes and great air quality in your grow area, but if you have shitty lights no matter how good the other two are, you won't get optimum results. Whereas if you have great lighting and so so nutes or air circulation you will still get some decent quality smoke. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i totally agree with blackhit (dap) -- im guessing this is your first grow? and similar to mine, i didnt want to go out and spend insane amounts of money on the perfect this or the perfect that if i couldnt get the damn thing to sprout in the first place.

so i'd pat yourself on the back for doing what you have so far (most people can't even do that...) if you're serious about growing, get some lights (first) then worry about the other stuff (nutes/circulation) next -- lights are the absolute first thing to get.

if you just wanted to grow once to see what it was like, you can leave it under your current setup and understand that your harvest will be sub-par (but dead on, given the conditions it was grown under).

you can find some really good prices online/ebay. i have been buying things for a year or so, adding to my setup, and its getting respectable.

good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
oh, and with cfl -- the closer the better -- there is VERY LITTLE heat put off by them (as opposed to HPS/MH). i'd add as many cfls as you could in your grow area.


Active Member
why are you flowering so early? to sex it? its gonna stretch out a bit once it really gets into the flowering stage, but like they said, the buds will be "sub par". you might be lucky to get a bowl or two off of it. the more nodes you have on your plant before flowering, the more it'll stretch out and bud will fill in.


Well-Known Member
I flowered mine really small and they turned out pretty nice. Would agree with the others that you need more light but you can stick with the CFLs. It can def take 12/12 right now and my guess is that the yellowing leaves are from a nitrogen deficiency vs not enough light.


Active Member
I think i have no space for more bulbs

Also here are sum pics of what i managed to grow with a 25w
You can see the plant is a bit burned at the top because i forgot to set the light higher last week and it got burned

I also added a closeup pic of the stem... but i think it's a bit too early to sex the plant ^^

Thanks for your help guys!



Well-Known Member
I think i have no space for more bulbs

Also here are sum pics of what i managed to grow with a 25w
You can see the plant is a bit burned at the top because i forgot to set the light higher last week and it got burned

I also added a closeup pic of the stem... but i think it's a bit too early to sex the plant ^^

Thanks for your help guys!
There is always more room for lights! When you hit 12/12 they are going to take off - you'll have plenty to room for side lighting and bottom lighting as they stretch. May not be necessary but would help a ton.

Or at least swap the 23w with a 68w when you change spectrum for flowering.