Would like comments on progress.


Active Member
I'll try and make this short as possible. First I was given these beans to grow from a good friend. Didn't find out till later it was Purple #1 which I believe is normally better for outdoor growing. I'm growing indoors. Anyhow, I ended up with 2 plants. One was a male which I pitched a long time ago. But I did end up with one female baby. Since it was already well into development I thought I would keep it going to see if I could complete the grow. This is my first grow and believe me I've made some mistakes along the way. The advice all you guys give really helps. That's the only reason why I think my baby is still alive. This plant is about 4 ft tall. Luckily I have the room. I am now into day 23 of flowering. I would like some comments on how they look at this stage and some advice on the rest of the grow if needed. If the pics didn't load let me know. Never tried that before.




Well-Known Member
Looks like your plant in the first pic suffered some heat damage. Also it looks like you might be a bit low on nitrogen in your feed. The leaves look more yellow then green. when I get plants looking like that first pic, it's because I abused the plant (usually out of experimentation).


Active Member
That one pic originally turned out pretty bad. I tried to touch it up with Photoshop. The rest of the pics were normal. Thanks for all the advice!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. You have learned a lot to get that plant to this point.
You have the talent. Are you going to continue? from some of your other posts it looks like you will. Soo... whats the plan going forward? Systems, lights, medium, space, etc. Maybe we can help some more. I like the height of WW for indoor, 3' to 3 1/2'. VV


Active Member
Hi VV, Yes I plan to continue. over and above the clones off this plant I started I ordered some beans recently. Hopefully they'll arrive soon. I'm going to continue with the clones for now since they were free. The beans I'm going to wait till the end of Summer to plant. I live in a cold climate but Summers can be pretty brutal too. I would never be able to keep the temp low enough in my grow room. Right now I can maintain 73 - 78. A few days ago the outdoor temp reached 80. By the end of the day my grow room was 82. Luckily it cooled down outside. I use a pretty simple system. Once beans are sprouted and established I put them under a 4ft shoplight with growlux tubes for a week or so. Then I switch to my 400W MH bulb for veg. When it's time for flowering I switch the MH bulb to a 400W HPS then let er rip. I'm in day 23 of flowering with this plant. So I haven't experienced harvesting yet. My girl is in FoxFarm soil (I forget which one offhand) mixed with Perlite. During veg I was using Schultz 10-15-10 plant food. Now in flowering I'm using Schultz Bloom Plus. My grow room is in a closet off a bedroom. It's about 3.5 x 6. I also have an osc. fan on her. Feel free to make any comments or suggestions about how I'm doing. I'm still learning and still have to go through harvesting. Thanks for the interest in my grow.