Would love some opinions

I am curious as to why these two plants seem to have radically different health since they have been under almost identical conditions.

healthy side.jpghealthy top.jpgdroop.jpg

First two pics are of the same one, third is the unhealthy bugger.

Theyre about 16 days old, probably stunted the growth a bit due to poor transplanting.

Both started in shit miracle grow soil, still in shit miracle grow soil, will move to fox farms asap.

Constant 71 F, constantly gently blowing in a breeze from a fan. MH light a good foot above the top of plants.

Both were bagseed but I happen to know the one that is having trouble was from a nice sativa strain.

I understand some strains handle some conditions better than others? I also understand bad genetics are a possibility as well, but I am too inexperienced to tell any differences.

I was also told theyre too young to have any nutrient defficiencies? I have not fed them anything other than water - once every two days.

Any help, tips, comments, hate, love?

Appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Some seeds just suck. It wouldnt be deficency,if anything it might be a little burn from the soil mix,like if the young root tip went through a hunk of compost or something that was very nutrient rich.


Well-Known Member
make sure youre not over watering too! give the roots a chance to search for water and then next time you water em they should explode in a week.


Active Member
Could just be different phenotype, and depending on how you transferred them, shock can play a huge roll.


Well-Known Member
Looks kinda wet..probably has worse root structure.. Seeds still have mixed genetics.


Well-Known Member
Your second one also looks like it is set deeper in the pot, blocking more light.
The way you have them so far down in the pots, not only are you blocking a lot of side light, but you are missing out on all that space that could be underneath them for the roots to grow into.