Would milled product affect your decision to buy your meds?

Would milled product affect your decision to buy your meds?

  • Yes, I would look for alternatives

    Votes: 16 88.9%
  • No, I would not mind milled product if it was well-grown

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Active Member
After looking at a few producer websites, I noticed a few are milling their product before shipping it out. I was wondering whether there was anyone out there that preferred having their product pre-ground up?

In other words, all else equal if a producer was offering well-grown product but it was milled, would you buy from them if or is that a deal breaker resulting in the search for another provider?
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I don't think I would ever buy ground herb unless it was orgeno or similar spice. I feel like it leaves it open for them to add stuff to increase weight and what not.

Like the difference between instant oats and Steel cut oats. <--Weird comparison but it makes sense in my head
I wouldn't have a problem with that but would expect to pay ALOT less since you can throw just about anything into the mix and no hand trimming required. I would say it would be fair to expect to pay half for a 'milled' product by weight.
Providing patients with choices and options is a great idea, and I have no issues with LP's offering quality milled product as an option at an appropriate price. Not all patients choose smoking or vaping as their primary method of administration, and some prefer to make edibles, creams and tinctures with the medicine that they purchase. For these patients, using pre-milled product would be a convenient and cost-effective option.
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If it is standardized at 15% Cannabinoids and the PRICE IS RIGHT it has use in my medicine cabinet. Personally being a patient who is in need of cannabinoids I will weigh out options to get the most cannabinoids for my money. After all most extracts out there are made with everything but bud.
Too easy to hide "trash" in it. I often grind a day's worth, and I can taste the difference at the end of the day. Imagine if it was ground months ago...
If it was milled, I would class it right up there with "sugar leaf". MAYBE worth $60 per OUNCE!
Maybe it could be an option at checkout. Peace natural's offers milled but only two different strains the last time i checked.. people may prefer milled but the producer doesn't offer the strain they need in that form.
Too easy to hide "trash" in it. I often grind a day's worth, and I can taste the difference at the end of the day. Imagine if it was ground months ago...

Thats very true, I think i had a good idea when i said it could be an added option at checkout because then you wouldn't have to worry about it being old
Maybe it could be an option at checkout. Peace natural's offers milled but only two different strains the last time i checked.. people may prefer milled but the producer doesn't offer the strain they need in that form.
I'm pretty sure what Peace Naturals is offering as milled product is just their shake and trim, hence the lower price and THC levels.

I was meaning cured and trimmed bud which would then be milled and sold, but yes I agree adding options is a good idea if they can make it cost effective
I'm pretty sure what Peace Naturals is offering as milled product is just their shake and trim, hence the lower price and THC levels.

I was meaning cured and trimmed bud which would then be milled and sold, but yes I agree adding options is a good idea if they can make it cost effective

ahh, well the milled bud is a good idea for sure IMO
or the patient could get non milled bud then put said bud in a coffee grinder, seen some ppl do that before. not for me but I like the hand grinders that have screens for a bit of crystal to fall down then when full it makes some sweet hash... very potent
I knew someone that worked at a grocery store in college. He could never shut up about how you should avoid those pre cut fruits or vegetable dishes.

Some may argue "convenience", or "personal choice", but the reality is? It's recycled trash. They take all of the stuff that's been sitting out or around for too long, or that got bashed up in transit, or who knows what, and they slice off all the mold and clearly rotten parts, put it on a nice new tray, wrap some fresh plastic around it, mark it up, because it's "prepared" now, and away she goes. All of that just to spare you the inconvenience of having to pick it out of the trash compactor yourself.

You know damn well they're going to get tons of "lowers" and whatever else that Tweed just found out isn't presentable. They can't make extracts with it, what do you suppose they'll do? "Some of our clients, who also prefer irradiated trash, also like pre ground trash. You can't tell us what some of our clients request is wrong, just because we're feeding it to all of you".

Apparently somebody has a peanut butter like allergy to good weed in the MMPR and just because of them nobody can get near it.

Bud form, when properly cured, is known to be self protecting. We've hopefully all had the experience where you pick up a nice nug, give it a sniff...meh, big deal. Crack it open? Woooaahhh... hell yeah. So grind that up and what have you got left? Trash. But nothing is lost because it's trash in the first place.

The form of the bud, density, etc, is an indicator of quality with more significance than anything on their labels. It helps tell its story from start to finish and milling it erases all of that, leaving the clients truly dependent on the company.

Now to anybody who wants to ring the ol "some people's preference" bell, some people prefer a lot of really insane things. It's piss poor justification for them and it's just kind of strange how we never actually see these people anywhere. Where are all the nice diy milled budshots.... "look you guys... two months old, dry as a bone..no smell left.. gaaaaaaarrrghh". Nowhere.

But if that one odd man out does exist someplace, I think they can spend the fiver on a coffee grinder and mill it their own damn selves. They don't mill it to a fine enough consistency to actually prepare it for cooking anyway, so it would still be destined for a grinder.

There is simply no good reason to mill it, except to recycle trash.
I agree with basically everything you said @particle except that there are some patients that may want it milled for them. They may be few and far between, but I think making it a checkout option makes sense. Assuming all LPs have the customer's best interest at heart (LOL) - when they take it out of the holding container and measure the quantity, they could just mill that quality bud right there, insert it into the bag, seal it and ship it. The freshly milled bud would stay good and the smell when unsealing the bag 1-2 days later in the client's house would be delightful :)
Also, I appreciate that this poll is less leading than the others.
Some of the polls on here are the equivalent of saying:

Do you think pizza should be free to people when they're high?
1. Yes, I like Pizza
2. No, People who are high should pay extra for Pizza

So thank you for not leading the witness so much in your question.
I would say, "Yes" it affects my decision, but if it's well-grown and ready to roll it's also convenient for me.
I could see myself ordering 1/2 bud and 1/2 ready to roll just for convenience and the price difference.
After looking at a few producer websites, I noticed a few are milling their product before shipping it out. I was wondering whether there was anyone out there that preferred having their product pre-ground up?

In other words, all else equal if a producer was offering well-grown product but it was milled, would you buy from them if or is that a deal breaker resulting in the search for another provider?
Buying 'milled' product is like having sex with the lights off with a pretty girl, (that might have aids)
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I knew someone that worked at a grocery store in college. He could never shut up about how you should avoid those pre cut fruits or vegetable dishes.

Some may argue "convenience", or "personal choice", but the reality is? It's recycled trash. They take all of the stuff that's been sitting out or around for too long, or that got bashed up in transit, or who knows what, and they slice off all the mold and clearly rotten parts, put it on a nice new tray, wrap some fresh plastic around it, mark it up, because it's "prepared" now, and away she goes. All of that just to spare you the inconvenience of having to pick it out of the trash compactor yourself.

You know damn well they're going to get tons of "lowers" and whatever else that Tweed just found out isn't presentable. They can't make extracts with it, what do you suppose they'll do? "Some of our clients, who also prefer irradiated trash, also like pre ground trash. You can't tell us what some of our clients request is wrong, just because we're feeding it to all of you".

Apparently somebody has a peanut butter like allergy to good weed in the MMPR and just because of them nobody can get near it.

Bud form, when properly cured, is known to be self protecting. We've hopefully all had the experience where you pick up a nice nug, give it a sniff...meh, big deal. Crack it open? Woooaahhh... hell yeah. So grind that up and what have you got left? Trash. But nothing is lost because it's trash in the first place.

The form of the bud, density, etc, is an indicator of quality with more significance than anything on their labels. It helps tell its story from start to finish and milling it erases all of that, leaving the clients truly dependent on the company.

Now to anybody who wants to ring the ol "some people's preference" bell, some people prefer a lot of really insane things. It's piss poor justification for them and it's just kind of strange how we never actually see these people anywhere. Where are all the nice diy milled budshots.... "look you guys... two months old, dry as a bone..no smell left.. gaaaaaaarrrghh". Nowhere.

But if that one odd man out does exist someplace, I think they can spend the fiver on a coffee grinder and mill it their own damn selves. They don't mill it to a fine enough consistency to actually prepare it for cooking anyway, so it would still be destined for a grinder.

There is simply no good reason to mill it, except to recycle trash.

I agree with everything except... Bud density is not always an indicator. Trichome development is my main judge and feel like like pre grinding or milling would hurt or destroy some of the trichs. Or they are catching them on a silk screen and then selling that also, as a dry sieve.

Reason being I like sativas. Land Race Sativas like a Columbian will not ever get big fat dense buds. They are stretchy airy with long internodes. But you can literally see thousands of trich heads.
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I agree with everything except... Bud density is not always an indicator. Trichome development is my main judge and feel like like pre grinding or milling would hurt or destroy some of the trichs.

Reason being I like sativas. Land Race Sativas like a Columbian will not ever get big fat dense buds. They are stretchy airy with long internodes. But you can literally see thousands of trich heads.

I'm with you here....anyone that uses bud density alone to judge quality is not a sativa fan. It goes back to the riddle about what weights more, a pound of feathers or a pound of brick, IMO. As long at the trich production and calyx:leaf ratio are there, then the density of the buds should not be a deciding indicator of quality IMO.

As yktind mentioned, most of the best sativas will never form tight, dense, heavy buds but still have an insane amount of trichome development. A perfect example is a haze pheno of a Jack Herer x AK47 cross that I recently grew out. The buds are quite large and airy, but the resin production is off the charts and is hands down the most potent smoke of any of the 6 strains that I currently have in jars. Conversely, I have some FCJ that is some of the tightest, hardest, most dense bud that I have ever grown, but I'd have it close to the bottom of my current strains in terms of potency and overall quality.

Heres a shot of the Jack 47 I mentioned, quite airy but supreme quality and potency nonetheless:

IMG_1129.JPG IMG_1130.JPG