Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul?


Well-Known Member
Whaaat? Sometimes you don't make sense. I used that word because it popped into my head at the moment I was writing that sentence. Can I help it if I took vocabulary in college? That word fit exactly my feelings at that moment. I may make mistakes in my posts, afterall, I am human, but I try and clarify my Ideas to the best of my abilities. I realize it would have been more to the point to just call the guy an asshole, but I did in a round about way, with a little more class you see, but you are right, fuck, he's just an asshole, allright?
Oh I totally get it. I didn't think you were being condescending or too highbrow. I just thought the comment about "get a dictionary" or whatever it was that you said was a bit demeaning, and it painted that picture that you DID in fact choose the word for its uncommon use among less educated people. Thats all.


Well-Known Member
The answer is no. Ron Paul supported Reagan when he was running for president. Afterwards, he said it was a mistake...Reagan didn't follow the libertarian values he and Paul supported. He continued to increase the size of the government and big government spending, just like every other president we've had since JFK...But, I'm too young to know much about Reagan. I'm just going off of what Dr. Paul has said.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Interesting. Your pretty much correct. Like I said I think the real question is how conservative is RP. More than Reagan. Perhaps I was a bit off kilter when I said Reagan would vote for him. Nevertheless, they stand for the essence of the Republican Party and the constitution and they are certainly more similar than Guiliani and Reagan


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Interesting. Your pretty much correct. Like I said I think the real question is how conservative is RP. More than Reagan. Perhaps I was a bit off kilter when I said Reagan would vote for him. Nevertheless, they stand for the essence of the Republican Party and the constitution and they are certainly more similar than Guiliani and Reagan
Yes, for sure. Maybe he would vote for him, who knows? Out of this group of candidates he probably would, they're views are probably the most similar...Reagan just didn't follow all his views once in office, specifically government spending.