Would something like this make a difference? + rep


Active Member
It would not reduce the smell whatsoever, it is a hepa filter not a carbon filter
Hmm well are there any electronic filters that arent harmful if im living near growspace?( Ive heard that ozone generators can be harmful to health) not sure if there is truth to that though..


Active Member
I know this is what everbody prefers but my growspace isnt fully enclosed. Three sides of mylar and sheet hanging over where door would be(On a closet) so exhaust would be difficult to setup.. atm its just being controlled by clip on fan and tower fan cooling surrounding room..


Well-Known Member
Yes I have

How does ozone exposure affect my health?

Ozone irritates the respiratory system and may cause health problems by damaging lung tissue, reducing lung function, and making the lungs more sensitive to other irritants. These health problems can occur at levels found in many cities during the summer months. It not only affects people with existing breathing problems, but also can affect healthy children and adults. Persons especially sensitive to ozone exposure are the elderly, infants, children, persons with existing respiratory issues such as asthma or allergies, asthmatics, chronic respiratory patients, pregnant women, smokers, and persons with lung cancer, cardiovascular disease or immune system deficiency. Symptoms include: irritation of the eyes, nose and sinuses; shortness of breath; chest pain; and wheezing or coughing. Other less common symptoms include: blurred vision, headache, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
The odor of ozone is noticeable at low levels; however, as the level of ozone increases, the ability to smell it may decrease. This is especially true when persons are frequently exposed to it. No odor and fewer symptoms may falsely give the impression of reduced exposure to ozone, even though further damage to health may be taking place. Children may suffer lung irritation but not notice or complain about symptoms. Even healthy individuals who exercise when ozone levels are high can experience reduced lung function leading to chest pain, coughing, wheezing and congestion.
