Would these things work good for 1st grow?

Well like the title says, im going to start my first grow soon and sadly, i cant get anything offline so i had to compromise with normal store bought things but so far i made a list and wanted to know if it would work out good....

Lights: Cfl's (about 4)

Soil: (my biggest worry :sad: ) Plain soil, bone-meal, blood-meal, and perlite

Pots: Party cups, 1 gal, 3 or 5 gal,

Extra things: Mylar, y adapters,

and also what kind of nutrients would be good for growing? or would it be good with just the blood and bone-meal and perlite? (i cant buy online so no special things please)


Active Member
I'm not a CFL guy, other people can field that better, but I'm assuming a 4 CFL set up will be a more party cup sized grow. Since you can't buy stuff online, and assuming you don't have a hydro store nearby, alot of people use Miracle Grow from the hardware store. I think the thing you want to watch out for is you usually don't want the long time release nutes that some versions have because you can't control them or flush them when needed. But if you were going to only use that soil and no other nutes, maybe there would be a good time release option for you.

If you want to buy the soil components separate and make your own with peat/meals/perlite (I like your motivation) then check out what a good mix would be. I think the 101 questions sticky in the newbie forum has answers to this and 100 other questions. I'm sure you can find normal garden store/home depot/walmart versions of any of the "hydro" branded nutes to get a good balance.


Well-Known Member
my very first grow consisted of 9 CFLs angled strategically around the plant. i can't imagine 4 would be enough for any decent size plant. as far as soil, assuming u don't have a hydro shop, you MUST have some form of a plant and gardening store around. go to it and ask them if they have any organic soil, or at least soil that doesn't have nutes or time released nutes in it. as far as containers, if your just starting out, the 3gal might be as big as i'd go, especially with 4 CFLs.
as far as nutes, see if the plant and gardening store has anything that the people of this site use frequently. i prefer the Earth Juice products myself.