Would this be suitable for a soilless?


Well-Known Member
Would this be sutible for a 25gal res

Week1: 1cup dry tecnigro 10-30-20...1/2tbsp rhinoskin 4 oz diamond nectar...1/2tsp hydro boost and 60ml kushiekush
week 2: 1 cup 10-30-20, 1/2tbsp rhinoskin, 4oz diamond nectar, 1/2tsp hydroboost,75ml kushie kush
week 3: 1 cup 10-30-20, 1/2tbsp rhinoskin,4oz diamond nectar,1/2tsp hydroboost,100ml kushie kush
week 4. Gh flora series.. 1-2-3 tbsp per gallon. 1oz karboboost 100ml kushie kush, 5oz diamond nectar and 1/2tbsp rhinoskin.
week5: 1 cup 10-30-20, 50ml kushiekush,5oz diamond nectar,50ml Gh Micro,1tablespoon dry koolbloom, 1/2 rhinoskin and 150ml topload.
week6: Ghflora series..1-2-3tbsp per gallon, 2ozkarboboost, 5 oz diamond nectar,45ml kushie kush. 1 tablespoon dry kool bloom.
week 7 400ml bloom,400ml Pureblend bloom 8 oz diamond nectar. 1 tbsp koolbloom. 2oz karboboost.
last ten days i flush. I give plain water at the end of week seven and then water once more with ice water and flora clean.(ice water to bring out the purple In the pk for the last 5 days).
I feed once and water once. In promix hp. Any advice on the recipe?:bigjoint:

strain stalker

New Member
...bro, why not just buy you some Fox Farm's Ocean Forest....superior results, easy! These mixes are all personal opinions, and usually are overthought. IMO...kill yourself a huge headache...get the forest, Fox Farm's Big Bloom, and some cal/mag....use reverse osmosis water. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
...bro, why not just buy you some Fox Farm's Ocean Forest....superior results, easy! These mixes are all personal opinions, and usually are overthought. IMO...kill yourself a huge headache...get the forest, Fox Farm's Big Bloom, and some cal/mag....use reverse osmosis water. Good luck.
I dont use fox farms. wayyy to expensive for a larger scale. Im sure they work good and would grab some for a small 1 light maybe. Im sick of hearing about it cause i have yet to try the smoke that it makes. I dont even know if they sell it here? Im in British columbia canada. I dont need a RO because the water is very pure here and its always 6.2 which is good for my need. the air here is so pure here you wouldnt need C02 unless ur room was seald with no Intake. Everyone on here has problems with foxfarm soils and nutes because they dont understand PH. I dont know i dont get much advice out of anyone on this site. But im trying

strain stalker

New Member
Hmmmm....well, try this.
1/3 vermurclite
1/3 pete moss
1/3 perlite

....fertlize with teas. Seabird/bat guano, worm castings, liquid seaweed, molesses


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm....well, try this.
1/3 vermurclite
1/3 pete moss
1/3 perlite

....fertlize with teas. Seabird/bat guano, worm castings, liquid seaweed, molesses
yea i thought of that. there is alot of differnt things i could try. i was mixing bat guano wormcasts oxycal and rare earth mixed with 3 bays of promix on 4x8 table and feeding them a recipe similar to the one i have for my plain soillless. I changed it a bit tho