Would this be too small for a HPS light?


Well-Known Member
hmmm .. now I dont know if you live in shahara or the north pole ?

but yea it can be a problem .. so your right to ask ..

I dont see it work with out a cool tube ..

so unless your ready to spend them money I would go with CLFs/T5s ..

you could also get the tent and some cheap CLFs and start ..

and next pay check get the nice MH/HPS digital cool tube ......250/ 400W .. I reccon ... just my oppinion tho ..

afterwords you can use them cheap CLS to start seedlings outside on a table 2 weeks before haverst ..


Active Member
Ehhh I think if you scrog/lst real good with minimal veg and cool tube a 400 with good ventilation you could be able to get away with it. If you hung the light on the very top and gave the minimum distance you'd want the top of the plant to be from the light, which is about 8 " for a 400 in a cool tube, the max you could grow the plant would be a little over 2 ft or 65 cm (including pot). I've lst d plants under 13" in a 10" tall pot on a 3-4 week veg so I know its possible. You'd just have to be able to completely get rid of the hot air to keep temps in check. That would be the hard part to do stealth. Edit... Cfls or t5s are not bad at all. I use both exclusively and grow the same quality nugs my siblings and friends do with HIDs, Just not as much but its not like I get half of what they do. Usually its within 10 grams with similar veg length and I save money on heat comparatively.


Well-Known Member
not for small seedlings .. no .. I would say up to a few weeks they are great .. then you need more .. and for flowering I would forget it unless I was a 14 yo kid and just wanted some weekend funn and show off to my friends .. if you know what I mean ..

but nomather what you will need a nice ventilation to make sure you can keep temps down and provide fresh air and co2 for your girls ..
and a filter to match so you can controle odour as they will stink ..

so make sure to count that in as well ..

if you live a hot place and stelth is a big isue ?

I would maybe look at some of the good and more expensiv LED fixtures or T5HO ... might cost you a bit more to start with ..
but ventilation will be much less needed .. you can go with a few big PC fans who is next to silent compaird to 4" or 6" ventilators ..
so boath your stelth and heat isues is coverd .. and they will also pay for themself in the long run as they will use less power .. also the ventilations will use less ..

only realy down side is then strengs and penetration from the light .. you need to keep em low and flower early .. maybe train em or make a SoG in ther so you can keep your LED/T5HO close ..

and you will need to expect 80% of the buds a HPS can produce .. and that is if you get it spot on .. but with a DWG once you get the hang of it and some more experiance .. Im sure you can pull enough for yourself from 4 smaller plants in ther ..

depense on what you expect I guess .. and what your ready to use .. ther are many ways .. do some more research ..